Are you talking about the more recent article, about the brewer in south carolina (i think)? He actually ended up going to NC for grains and worked with the maltsters there to get an interestingly modified 6-row malt since apparently 2-row doesn't do too well in NC climate. As for the yeast, he didn't get to cultivate, instead he re-used yeast from another brewery, apparently its something like a community yeast. Basically one brewer buys it, uses it, sells to another brewer, who uses it and they keep passing it down like least that's how i remember reading it.
Just checked out the article. It's in the March/April 2013 issue. Guy is from the ATL (vibes sent) and he outlines two procedures for capturing yeast. One uses malt extract and the other ripe fruit. This time of year I would guess that the first procedure would be best.Since I haven't read it, I don't know what I'm talking about.
I thought the guy was in GA.