Open Letter To Mods: Reinstitute Negative Reps [merged]
Posted 18 June 2012 - 03:28 PM
Posted 18 June 2012 - 03:39 PM
Seems more reasonable to me that we have a deerslyr free week first. I also can't take you seriously if you think tankard didn't know why he was making enemies or doing it intentionally, and comparing weeperow to tankard is particularly absurd.I just wanted a Weeper Free Week in the PH. Honest to gods truth. And the only person who knows and can verify that will remain un-named because I was simply venting to him before the thread started. The fact that you jumped right into it drove me over the edge. Listen, (and I'm not gonna call you "toots" or "sugartits" or any other condescending name) just because there is a thread out there that doesn't have a little star next to it indicating you have commented means that you should. I get the impression that you feel the need to be in EVERY conversation here in the PH. Once you got the label of "Attention Whore" you took it to be a badge of honor... it's not! If someone called me out as an attenion whore, or calls BS on me, I lay off and let the dust settle. You seem to take it fuel to just get in there even more.Lay off... just a bit. And you won't be so polarizing. I've seen it before in here. I hate to say it (because frankly you do seem to be nice, and the comparison might not be entirely fair) but it reminds me of when Tankard came in here. Too much... Too fast... Made enemies without understanding why he was making enemies. I wouldn't say you are making enemies... just annoying the living piss out of well... at least me. The other component is all the friggin Weeper Worship... and you don't have any control over that. It's just unreal how they are fawning over you. A guy doesn't get this kind of attention, and certainly has to go through the school of hard knocks to understand the inner workings of the PH. But the guys have pretty much given you the keys to the kingdom. Again... that is not your fault. I was just tired of all of it... your involvement in nearly every thread and the inevitable Weeper Worship that ensued.You asked... I warned you... Badogg even warned you as I was typing this...That is all.Now we can take this to 20 pages.
Posted 18 June 2012 - 03:49 PM
Funny thing is that over the years I have given several Deerslyr Free Weeks. And to my credit, I DID say that the Tankard comparison might not exactly be fair. No, they aren't the same... but I think you have a different view of Tankard than I did. Either way... I don't really give a flying rats ass if you want a Deerslyr Free Week first... although I would give it to you to prove, if anything, that if one of the guys left and went absent for a week that no one would really care. But if Weeper was absent for a week... ZOMG!!! Mix Tape!!!Seems more reasonable to me that we have a deerslyr free week first. I also can't take you seriously if you think tankard didn't know why he was making enemies or doing it intentionally, and comparing weeperow to tankard is particularly absurd.
Posted 18 June 2012 - 03:50 PM
Posted 18 June 2012 - 03:54 PM

Posted 18 June 2012 - 03:56 PM
Posted 18 June 2012 - 03:56 PM
But again, there's a couple hundred of us dudes, but the 'regulars' with boobs, you can count on one hand.Like it or not, that matters.although I would give it to you to prove, if anything, that if one of the guys left and went absent for a week that no one would really care. But if Weeper was absent for a week... ZOMG!!! Mix Tape!!!
Posted 18 June 2012 - 03:57 PM
Two Men Enter. One Man Flounces.I think we need Thunderdome™ to straighten this shit out.
Posted 18 June 2012 - 03:58 PM
Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:01 PM
I disagree. After reading this thread I see quite a few boobs and a polethera of vaginas. MBBut again, there's a couple hundred of us dudes, but the 'regulars' with boobs, you can count on one hand.Like it or not, that matters.
Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:01 PM
You know what, if I tried putting you on ignore, none of the threads would make any sense. There would be a ton of holes. And for the record, I never said you weren't smart or witty. You can be at times. But you just try too damn hard. You totally missed the point that you don't need to try so hard. If you don't get that now, I don't know that you ever will. And just remember, the post was also directed at the Weeper Worshipers. It wasn't totally you... well, other than that you were the object of the worship. You wanted to be "one of the guys", but they haven't treated you as "one of the guys" at all. The whole thing has bothered me. I gave you an opportunity to retract your question. You opted not to. Put on your big boy pants and deal with the fact that you aren't the apple of everyone's eyes.I think I understand your annoyance with the revolving Weeper posts. But I can't possibly know which threads you want me to be in and which you do not. I am entitled to jump into all of them, aren't I?I only wore the AW badge of honor because I felt I had to, if I was going to survive here at all. If you recall, I was highly offended by that comment. I don't post any more often than Stain or Dis or Mic and no one seems to call them that. Perhaps my content isnt humorous to you, but enough people "get me" here, so I'm staying. I am not going to let any of you scare or "neg 1" me away. There are several posters here that I find highly annoying and I don't interact with them. They have every right to be here too.I'm glad you got that off your chest, but I think if you read back over your own words you will see that you are the problem in your problem, not me. Just like when people reminded me to ignore Dis if he went to far with me (still haven't mastered it) I hope you start to do the same with me.I'm not being condescending or bitchy here, this is just what I think without me thinking too much about how I'm saying it. I applaud you for saying it directly, honestly. So thank you for that.I can't speak for your peers who like me, but I can't say I blame them. It's not just that I am a woman. I am smart, thoughtful and witty, usually. If people like me - that is why. There are not too many days I say that, and I'll likely cringe in an hour reading it, but that's what I think right now. I didn't have to show my boobs or talk about putting things up my Hoo-ha.I'm truly sorry I bother you and several others I'm sure. I certainly didn't want to come in and piss anyone off.But I am staying.
Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:04 PM
Nothing legal about this at all. It's just coming down to personalities.If I'm not mistaken Orudis is a lawyer too?This might become an epic argument guys.Git yer popcorn!!
Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:04 PM
Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:05 PM
Oh I know that, just lawyers are trained arguers, so it could get entertaining.Nothing legal about this at all. It's just coming down to personalities.

Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:06 PM

Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:07 PM

Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:07 PM
No you STFU!!112. Everyone just STFU's and eventually weeperow becomes another "one of the guys" like crankycat
Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:08 PM
NUH-UH!!No you STFU!!11
Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:10 PM

Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:10 PM
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