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Open Letter To Mods: Reinstitute Negative Reps [merged]

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#221 MakeMeHoppy


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:12 PM

I understand your anger, but you have look at it like this, the woman on the other end of the phone sex line is never like the commercial, but she'll get you there anyway. Capiche?

Is this copyrighted? I think I'd like to put that on a plaque

#222 Thag


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:12 PM

I would like to comment on two things and both of them are PH womenz.First Connie. She often rubbed me the wrong way as she was very bitchy to people and then cried if someone called her on her bitchiness. She once got on me because she noticed I never posted in her birthday threads. I never really responded because it was really weird. Even though I did mot really understand her or want to understand her, I liked Steve and I thought some of her threads would make me cringe IRL. I remember when she was trying to condition her asshole with vibrators so they could have anal sex and for two weeks she was always making references to getting her asshole ready for when Steve got back.I mean who could'nt enjoy reading those train wreck posts.Second Weeperow,I do not understand these thoughts about Weeper worship or that people are ga ga because she is a woman. I think she is funny and I enjoy her posts. As I generally avoided talking with Connie on this forum I am really not in the ZOMG there is a womanz here. Weeper has a personality I find enjoyable to discuss things with and she handles the asshatery pretty damn good.Man everything was pretty damn smooth here for awhile. You drunkies had to screw it up on a Monday......Srsly?

Edited by Zaphod_Beeblebrox, 18 June 2012 - 04:15 PM.

#223 Stains_not_here_man


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:14 PM

Zaphod = best schoolteacher ever

#224 Deerslyr


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:15 PM

Deerslyr you need to put on *your* big boy pants and realize that sometimes on a public forum there will be "posting styles" you don't like, events you don't agree with, people you don't appreciate, etc.Here's what I will predict will happen. There are two ways this can go.1. Everyone makes a big deal over weeperow "posting too much" and it ruins the forum2. Everyone just STFU's and eventually weeperow becomes another "one of the guys" like crankycatIMO, going on and on about "omg you guys love weeperow too much" will only delay #2 and encourage #1. Just relax. It will all run its course.

therein lies the problem... no one does STFU and actually encourages... #2 will NEVER happen if the PH continues down its regular course. I was encouraged to be honest about this, and I have been.

#225 porter


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:18 PM

#2 will NEVER happen if the PH continues down its regular course. I was encouraged to be honest about this, and I have been.

I had no idea we could get to you that much. Hydrate, stool softeners, more fiber, etc. would be the standard recommendation.

#226 Seagis


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:18 PM

From one e-whore to another. Who's next? Seagis?

Dude, I am in a class by *myself* here. Don't even go there. :PThings like this thread are why I came back. :lol:

#227 orudis


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:19 PM

Funny thing is that over the years I have given several Deerslyr Free Weeks. And to my credit, I DID say that the Tankard comparison might not exactly be fair. No, they aren't the same... but I think you have a different view of Tankard than I did. Either way... I don't really give a flying rats ass if you want a Deerslyr Free Week first... although I would give it to you to prove, if anything, that if one of the guys left and went absent for a week that no one would really care. But if Weeper was absent for a week... ZOMG!!! Mix Tape!!!

Translation: you're jealous that no one noticed your absence.

#228 Stains_not_here_man


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:20 PM

therein lies the problem... no one does STFU and actually encourages... #2 will NEVER happen if the PH continues down its regular course. I was encouraged to be honest about this, and I have been.

And I appreciate that. Honesty truly is the best policy and we can't hash this shit out without it.That being said.. everything gets boring eventually. nothing new under the sun, etc. The less attention we call to "omg weeper" the more "omg weeper" will run its course.There was a time on the board of green where people complained about me. "Omg this guy is posting all his crazy liberal ideas all the time and it ruined the board!!!" Now I'm just part of the background scenery. don't stress.

#229 Vagus


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:23 PM

Well last night i drank 3 bottles of wine after a few manhattans, put 13 water bottles in my pants and walked around the house mumbling to myself like an old man for an hour.

#230 AspenLeif


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:24 PM

There was a time on the board of green where people complained about me. "Omg this guy is posting all his crazy liberal ideas all the time and it ruined the board!!!" Now I'm just part of the background scenery. don't stress.

Yeah, but you got a real job and started making money. When your money problems went away, so did your zillion posts about how you should be getting free money from everyone else ZOMG socialism stuff. :PMB

Edited by Mainelybrew, 18 June 2012 - 04:25 PM.

#231 Marmot


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:27 PM

How so? I don't recall ever trying to make myself out to be something I am not.

Wwwwweeeeeellllllll.....you must have been dropped on your head several times between 2008 and 2011. Just sayin' Robin Hood....Marmot

#232 orudis


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:28 PM

IMO the proper response when someone asks you to stop posting or stop posting a particular topic is to cordially invite them to sniff your hairy taint. Unfortunately if Weeper did this it wouldn't have quite the same effect on you nerd-balls. :P

#233 *_Guest_repeew_*

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Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:30 PM

I gave you an opportunity to retract your question. You opted not to. Put on your big boy pants and deal with the fact that you aren't the apple of everyone's eyes.

And I thanked you for your honesty. I am perfectly aware that I am not loved by all. I have been from day 1. Even the mix tape had basically the same few people posting. Don't make this out like I have some big ego. I don't. I don't think I try too hard. You think I do. I am being myself. At a party, you eould have walked away from me. I would have seen it. Cant see that in a forum... I won't apologize for that. You could have PMd me anytime. All you have done here is create a thread where your peers are going to bash you and others will agree with you and bash me. You may have well created a "should we kick weep off the island poll". Not good for me or you. Do you want the answer to that question? I pray the mods lock this thread. Its ####ing juvenile. You wish we had neg 1s so we can make fun of the people who like the people you don't ? Grow up. I knew you were serious about the negs but hoped my gut feeling was off. I am so disappointed. I will stay far away from your threads, Deerslyr. Honestly. It's not a big deal.

#234 Deerslyr


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:30 PM

Wwwwweeeeeellllllll.....you must have been dropped on your head several times between 2008 and 2011. Just sayin' Robin Hood....Marmot

This right here is enough to get us to 30 pages!!!

#235 Stains_not_here_man


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:30 PM

Wwwwweeeeeellllllll.....you must have been dropped on your head several times between 2008 and 2011. Just sayin' Robin Hood....Marmot

Uh, no. I'm not saying I don't have any flaws. I am saying I am readily willing to admit them. :P

#236 Deerslyr


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:31 PM

therein lies the problem... no one does STFU and actually encourages... #2 will NEVER happen if the PH continues down its regular course. I was encouraged to be honest about this, and I have been.

I would give you a +1 for this.

#237 Stains_not_here_man


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:32 PM

I will stay far away from your threads, Deerslyr. Honestly. It's not a big deal.

YDIWwhat you should do... AKA, what I myself would do...is post in every single Deerslyr thread...... twice. THEN you will fit in to the PH. :devil:

#238 CaptRon


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:35 PM

Wwwwweeeeeellllllll.....you must have been dropped on your head several times between 2008 and 2011. Just sayin' Robin Hood....Marmot

Uh, no. I'm not saying I don't have any flaws. I am saying I am readily willing to admit them. :P

:spray: :couch:

#239 Vagus


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:36 PM

Man i love this thread. So much anger going in so many directions. Fuel me. Your rage makes me strong!

#240 djinkc


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 04:37 PM

therein lies the problem... no one does STFU and actually encourages... #2 will NEVER happen if the PH continues down its regular course. I was encouraged to be honest about this, and I have been.

doesn't...............drink...............beer.....................So I'm clueless - why post here

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