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Open Letter To Mods: Reinstitute Negative Reps [merged]

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#161 *_Guest_BigBossMan_*

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Posted 18 June 2012 - 02:22 PM

Man, and she says *I* make her feel uncomfortable.... :P

Well she threw down the gauntlet in the other thread.ETA: Fortunately for her, I am restrained by my Mod role or it would really be game on.

#162 siouxbrewer


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 02:23 PM

Your back door.


#163 *_Guest_repeew_*

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Posted 18 June 2012 - 02:24 PM

Your back door.

I'm going to ignore you for a while. I still like you, I'm not mad, but Please chill.

You know the saying "don't ask a question that you don't want to know the answer to", right? Do you want to ask again?

Actually, I guess I do. I am likely the last person left on this board that isn't 100% sure if this thread was a joke or serious. I was going to PM you, but what the hell.

#164 *_Guest_repeew_*

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Posted 18 June 2012 - 02:25 PM



#165 *_Guest_repeew_*

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Posted 18 June 2012 - 02:26 PM

Well she threw down the gauntlet in the other thread.ETA: Fortunately for her, I am restrained by my Mod role or it would really be game on.

Just so everyone knows, the gauntlet is apparently posting an adorable pair of emoticons.

#166 *_Guest_BigBossMan_*

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Posted 18 June 2012 - 02:27 PM

Just so everyone knows, the gauntlet is apparently posting an adorable pair of emoticons.

Didn't you know that is the gravest insult a Jerseyite can do to a Marylander?

#167 siouxbrewer


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 02:28 PM


He is the official taint tazer round these parts

#168 CaptRon


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 02:32 PM

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#169 Stains_not_here_man


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 02:34 PM

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#170 Deerslyr


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 02:40 PM

I'm going to ignore you for a while. I still like you, I'm not mad, but Please chill.Actually, I guess I do. I am likely the last person left on this board that isn't 100% sure if this thread was a joke or serious. I was going to PM you, but what the hell.

I just wanted a Weeper Free Week in the PH. Honest to gods truth. And the only person who knows and can verify that will remain un-named because I was simply venting to him before the thread started. The fact that you jumped right into it drove me over the edge. Listen, (and I'm not gonna call you "toots" or "sugartits" or any other condescending name) just because there is a thread out there that doesn't have a little star next to it indicating you have commented means that you should. I get the impression that you feel the need to be in EVERY conversation here in the PH. Once you got the label of "Attention Whore" you took it to be a badge of honor... it's not! If someone called me out as an attenion whore, or calls BS on me, I lay off and let the dust settle. You seem to take it fuel to just get in there even more.Lay off... just a bit. And you won't be so polarizing. I've seen it before in here. I hate to say it (because frankly you do seem to be nice, and the comparison might not be entirely fair) but it reminds me of when Tankard came in here. Too much... Too fast... Made enemies without understanding why he was making enemies. I wouldn't say you are making enemies... just annoying the living piss out of well... at least me. The other component is all the friggin Weeper Worship... and you don't have any control over that. It's just unreal how they are fawning over you. A guy doesn't get this kind of attention, and certainly has to go through the school of hard knocks to understand the inner workings of the PH. But the guys have pretty much given you the keys to the kingdom. Again... that is not your fault. I was just tired of all of it... your involvement in nearly every thread and the inevitable Weeper Worship that ensued.You asked... I warned you... Badogg even warned you as I was typing this...That is all.Now we can take this to 20 pages.

#171 *_Guest_BigBossMan_*

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Posted 18 June 2012 - 02:43 PM

I just wanted a Weeper Free Week in the PH. Honest to gods truth. And the only person who knows and can verify that will remain un-named because I was simply venting to him before the thread started. The fact that you jumped right into it drove me over the edge.Listen, (and I'm not gonna call you "toots" or "sugartits" or any other condescending name) just because there is a thread out there that doesn't have a little star next to it indicating you have commented means that you should. I get the impression that you feel the need to be in EVERY conversation here in the PH. Once you got the label of "Attention Whore" you took it to be a badge of honor... it's not! If someone called me out as an attenion whore, or calls BS on me, I lay off and let the dust settle. You seem to take it fuel to just get in there even more.Lay off... just a bit. And you won't be so polarizing. I've seen it before in here. I hate to say it (because frankly you do seem to be nice, and the comparison might not be entirely fair) but it reminds me of when Tankard came in here. Too much... Too fast... Made enemies without understanding why he was making enemies. I wouldn't say you are making enemies... just annoying the living piss out of well... at least me.The other component is all the friggin Weeper Worship... and you don't have any control over that. It's just unreal how they are fawning over you. A guy doesn't get this kind of attention, and certainly has to go through the school of hard knocks to understand the inner workings of the PH. But the guys have pretty much given you the keys to the kingdom. Again... that is not your fault.I was just tired of all of it... your involvement in nearly every thread and the inevitable Weeper Worship that ensued.You asked... I warned you... Badogg even warned you as I was typing this...That is all.Now we can take this to 20 pages.

Attention whore. :P

#172 Mya


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 02:43 PM

there is an ignore function

#173 CaptRon


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 02:46 PM

I hate to say it (because frankly you do seem to be nice, and the comparison might not be entirely fair) but it reminds me of when Tankard came in here. Too much... Too fast...

Man, nobody is like Tankard. He was, how do I say it, militant. Lol

#174 Stains_not_here_man


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 02:47 PM

I've typed like 5 different responses and all of them just come out sounding like I'm sucking up to weeperow and that's not my intent, but suffice to say I think some of y'all are oversensitive. There are plenty of folk who spend tons of time here and comment in almost every thread and nobody complains about them. Yeah, maybe weep "tried too hard" at first, but face it -- if you're a female AND a stranger and you come into this environment, the chances of you being accepted into the fold seem pretty small (in part because you might not WANT to be accepted into the fold of this rowdy obnoxious bunch of know-it-all-drunks.....) So I give her props for trying to hard to be accepted by the likes of us and we should feel flattered :P

#175 siouxbrewer


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 02:47 PM

I just wanted a Weeper Free Week in the PH. Honest to gods truth. And the only person who knows and can verify that will remain un-named because I was simply venting to him before the thread started. The fact that you jumped right into it drove me over the edge.Listen, (and I'm not gonna call you "toots" or "sugartits" or any other condescending name) just because there is a thread out there that doesn't have a little star next to it indicating you have commented means that you should. I get the impression that you feel the need to be in EVERY conversation here in the PH. Once you got the label of "Attention Whore" you took it to be a badge of honor... it's not! If someone called me out as an attenion whore, or calls BS on me, I lay off and let the dust settle. You seem to take it fuel to just get in there even more.Lay off... just a bit. And you won't be so polarizing. I've seen it before in here. I hate to say it (because frankly you do seem to be nice, and the comparison might not be entirely fair) but it reminds me of when Tankard came in here. Too much... Too fast... Made enemies without understanding why he was making enemies. I wouldn't say you are making enemies... just annoying the living piss out of well... at least me.The other component is all the friggin Weeper Worship... and you don't have any control over that. It's just unreal how they are fawning over you. A guy doesn't get this kind of attention, and certainly has to go through the school of hard knocks to understand the inner workings of the PH. But the guys have pretty much given you the keys to the kingdom. Again... that is not your fault.I was just tired of all of it... your involvement in nearly every thread and the inevitable Weeper Worship that ensued.You asked... I warned you... Badogg even warned you as I was typing this...That is all.Now we can take this to 20 pages.

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#176 Stains_not_here_man


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 02:48 PM

btw with that latest deerslyr response I'm calling this one 14-15 pages now.

#177 Corbin


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 02:48 PM

He should have stayed in the truck.

#178 Dave


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 02:49 PM

You guys have a helluva thread going...

#179 *_Guest_BigBossMan_*

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Posted 18 June 2012 - 02:51 PM

You guys have a helluva thread going...

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#180 Vagus


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 02:51 PM

Im with deerslyr. We need -1s.

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