So I tried a pack of this stuff many moons ago purchased at Costco. I liked it, but was a bit wary that in my house, the SCOBY could infect my beer. In 2011 BBV did a video on the subject. Well, a decade+ later since the keezer is taking some time and getting around to brewing is taking a bit longer I thought I'd give it a whirl, Particularly since a 10 ouncer costs $4 down here. The brewery is also 100' away and on the basement level of my house, I thought I'd be safe from cross contamination.
Ahh, take me back to bottle conditioning.
So far I did a straight version. OK.
Then a ginger version... better
And then that forked a 'grow my own ginger' process. I promise to brew beer again guys.. Really!!!
Next tangent: Sourdough bread!