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WLP380/WY3333 confusion


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#1 neddles


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 01:22 PM

There seems to be some conflicting information these yeasts that Im hoping someone can clarify. Maybe I'm missing something. First, it is widely disseminated that WLP300 and WY3068 are the same strain or at least came from the same Weihenstephan strain. The manufacturers' both note that this a is a low flocculation yeast. I can also source multiple places on the internet that tell you that WLP380 and WY3333 are the same. I figured Jamil's list as compiled by Kristen England would be a pretty reputable place to start. https://www.mrmalty.com/yeast.htmNow read the White labs and Wyeast descriptions of WLP380 and WY3333 and note the comparisons to the much beloved Weihenstephan strain. The italics are mine.WLP380 Large clove and phenolic aroma and flavor, with minimal banana. Refreshing citrus and apricot notes. Crisp, drinkable hefeweizen. Less flocculent than WLP300, and sulfur production is higher.WY3333 A highly flocculent German wheat beer strain that is the perfect choice for use in Kristallweizen. This yeast strain produces a beautiful and delicate balance of banana esters and clove phenolics similar to the popular Wyeast 3068. However, this strain will sediment rapidly, resulting in bright beer without filtration. The balance can be manipulated towards ester production through increasing fermentation temperature, increasing the wort density, and decreasing the pitch rate. Over pitching can result in a near complete loss of banana character. Sulfur is commonly produced, but will dissipate with conditioning.FWIW I can attest to the flocculation characteristics of WY3333. Its crashing hard for me right now.It's not surprising that the flavors are not described as the same considering all the factors that go into it. But flocculation characteristics are polar opposites? Seems like there is some incorrect info somewhere here.

#2 MtnBrewer


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 02:11 PM

Kristen's cross-reference chart is a great resource but it's not 100% accurate. In a lot of cases, it's his (or somebody's) best guess. I don't mean that as a criticism; I'm sure Kristen would agree that there are some discrepancies. So it may be that here is an example of that.

#3 SchwanzBrewer


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 02:34 PM

WYeast 3333 is a high floccer. It most likely is not WLP380. However, 3333 could be the same species as WLP380, but not the same subspecies which could account for the difference in flocculation. If this is the case, I would guess that 3333 was pressured through selective harvesting for the most flocculent mutations of the yeast, thus giving it a new subspecies.I am not a biologist, do not know the species or subspecies, and did not ever play a biologist on TV.

#4 MtnBrewer


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 02:35 PM

All ale yeasts are the same species, no?

#5 SchwanzBrewer


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 02:42 PM

All ale yeasts are the same species, no?

Yes, I guess so. hence my warning. :blush:

#6 armagh


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 03:06 PM

The chapter on yeasts in BLAM is worth reading in this instance because of the way it addresses the changes in yeasts from where they came from, their original characteristics, how that is prone to change after successive generations, and what we as consumers buy from places like WLP and WY.

#7 neddles


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 03:20 PM

Just got my copy of BLAM 3 days ago. Thx. Lots of reasons I cant wait to read that one.

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