Since my 3080 came in I’ve been mainly flying around my local area. I’ve been using a Logitech HOTAS setup which is nice for the switches. But I do have a proper yoke still on the way.
I did bump my RAM up from 32-64gb. Just because.
Honeycomb makes a really nice yoke. I’m waiting for my quadrant/throttle to come in.
I think the latest update may have had some CPU optimization. They’re leaving a lot of performance still on the table.
I’m running ultra at 1080p and it stutters some times, but otherwise looks great. I need to go in and tweak some settings. I’m planning to upgrade the CPU to Zen3 tho, so will probably wait for that before spending a lot of time in the settings. Seems like the CPU is the current bottleneck.
I see they have DirectX 12 on their roadmap. Hopping someday they optimize things and I can OC my system enough to do smooth 1440p ultra.
Edited by dagomike, 27 November 2020 - 08:09 AM.