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#41 Bklmt2000


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Posted 07 January 2020 - 12:19 PM

Did you posted the recipe?  "Amber Lager" is my weakness, you know.  :P  Nice work brewing on a Tuesday, btw. 

It went something like this:


5lb Pils

5lb 2-row

1lb C-40

2 oz Carafa


Magnum (11.1% AA, pellets), 0.5 oz at both 90 min and 30 min

Mt. Hood (5.0% AA, pellets), 0.5 oz at both 15 (changed from 10) min and flameout


A fresh slurry of 34/70.


Looked and smelled real nice going into the primary.  Ended up not using Carafa (out of laziness) and the beer ended up a nice amber color anyway. Woot.

#42 Big Nake

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Posted 07 January 2020 - 12:25 PM



Say it with me:  Amber Lager.  Amber Lager.  Am.  Ber.  La.  Ger.  It's beautiful.  So many options and so much variability between malt bills, hop schedules and hop varieties and yeast.  Seems like the perfect wide-open style.  My next two lager batches scheduled are 1) Original Munich Lager (a helles) and 2) I was thinking about something very light like a Caribbean-style lager that would be ready to roll when the weather started to warm up.  Maybe I should do the first one and scratch the lighter one for when I have 940 and make the second one an amber lager.  I'll call it, B2000's Amber Lager.  


Amber Lager.



#43 LeftyMPfrmDE


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Posted 08 January 2020 - 03:52 AM

Just got the confirmation that this Sunday's group brew is a go! 6 of us are making 60 gallons of a lambic (50/50 pilsner and wheat) and going to toss it in a 60 gallon chardonnay barrel! I've grown up the dregs from a Russian River Supplication bottle, for initial pitch of bugs.

This could be greatness, or a failed experiment; as is the nature of barrel aged beers. The barrel has been topped off with a storage solution, and awaking to be filled.

Have to dust off the old mobile set up, and head to the Philly suburbs for an outside brew day in January. Either way, this is gonna be a blast.

Edited by LeftyMPfrmDE, 08 January 2020 - 03:52 AM.

#44 Big Nake

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Posted 08 January 2020 - 05:33 AM

Sounds fun.  

#45 Big Nake

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Posted 12 January 2020 - 07:50 PM

I made a beer this afternoon that I'm excited about.  Another attempt at this Paulaner Original Munich Lager... 90% German Pils, 10% Light Munich and about 20 IBUs of Tradition at the start of the boil and the Diamond yeast.  I have been doing a nice job keeping trub out of the fermenter and as a result this Diamond yeast (now on it's 6th run) is still clean and white, looking and smelling lovely.  The wort today was beautifully clear and very pale.  That batch is in the fridge at 50° and starting to bubble a bit.  For the last batch with this yeast I decided to make something along the lines of Shiner Bock.  Dark, balanced, drinkable.  That will happen in about 2 weeks.



#46 Bklmt2000


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Posted 13 January 2020 - 02:35 PM

Sneaking in another workday brewday tomorrow, an IPA featuring Mosaic and Columbus.


Weather people say tomorrow is supposed to be 60° and sunny; can't pass that up, especially in January. 

#47 Bklmt2000


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Posted 15 January 2020 - 02:31 PM

Mosaic/Columbus IPA is in the primary. 


I'd forgotten how nice Mosaic and Columbus work together.  Trying to use up some hops that have been in the freezer a while; the Columbus were from 2015 and the Mosaic from 2016. 


Thought they might've been past their prime, and was ready to deploy a different hop lineup if no good.  But, both smelled and looked great at weighout, and my basement smells like Mosaic, due to the 20-min hopstand I did after the boil.


Really looking forward to this one in a month or so.

#48 pkrone


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Posted 15 January 2020 - 07:42 PM

Probably do another helles this weekend.   Tempted to try a lot of Barke Munich as I bought a sack of that with a sack of Barke pils recently.   Any thoughts on a heavier muniched lager?   Too Munichy?

#49 Big Nake

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Posted 16 January 2020 - 07:24 AM

Probably do another helles this weekend.   Tempted to try a lot of Barke Munich as I bought a sack of that with a sack of Barke pils recently.   Any thoughts on a heavier muniched lager?   Too Munichy?

Is your standard helles 95/5 pils/carahell?  The Paulaner Original Munich Lager is supposed to be 90/10 pils/Munich 1 and I have a batch of that fermenting now with Lallemand Diamond.  It's a very nice recipe.


For me this weekend, I have a sort of hoppy Blonde Ale planned (GP and Pilsner, a small amount of Munich 2 and then some CaraHell, Northern Brewer to bitter and then some late Mt. Hood) and next weekend is the "American Bock" that I designed a label for...



#50 Bklmt2000


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Posted 16 January 2020 - 08:22 AM

Probably do another helles this weekend.   Tempted to try a lot of Barke Munich as I bought a sack of that with a sack of Barke pils recently.   Any thoughts on a heavier muniched lager?   Too Munichy?

Not at all.  Lots of ways to attack this. 


You could go 50/50 pils/Munich and still get a nice helles.  Might be shade or 3 darker than a straight-ahead, pils-focused helles, but that's a call you need to make.


I did the 50/50 pils/Munich approach several times over the last few years, and I found that if I mashed ~150° for a good 75-90 minutes, the beer dried out enough to stay crushable, but the Munich malt also came through nicely.  Nice to have in the spring and fall, when the weather is warming up or cooling down.

#51 Big Nake

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Posted 16 January 2020 - 08:47 AM

50/50 pils/Munich 1 would still produce a pretty pale beer.  50/50 pils/Munich 2 would start looking festbier-like, I think.  When I was in Munich I noticed that most of the helles had a bit more color to them as opposed to the pilsners I drank.  Many recipes I used to see for helles suggested that the grain bill was only pilsner malt, which I found hard to believe.  

#52 Poptop


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Posted 17 January 2020 - 05:36 AM

I third the 50/50 approach and make that at least a couple times each year.  Sometimes a little (little) toasty is just nice over straight Pilsner.

#53 djinkc


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Posted 17 January 2020 - 08:07 AM

Freezing rain here today and I'm not leaving the house.  So I'm brewing a SMASH.  Munton's propino and centennials

#54 HVB


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Posted 17 January 2020 - 10:13 AM

I am trying to work out some kinks and I found a 4oz pack of Mt Hood in the freezer so my plan is:


11# Pils

12oz Carahell


2oz Mt Hood - 30

1oz Mt Hood - 5

1oz Mt Hood - 0


yeast will be 34/70 or Diamond

I plan to only adjust my water for pH and just roll with it.


Should be a touch over 5% and about 22 IBUs.  

I would like it a smidge darker but I am thinking of just trying sinamar at 10 minutes left.

#55 LeftyMPfrmDE


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Posted 17 January 2020 - 11:26 AM

I have a grain bill and hop bill that's been vacuum sealed and stored away. Its a Schwarzbier.


47.6% Pilsner

39% Lt Munich

3.6% UK Chocolate Malt

2.4% Blk. Roasted Barley

2.1% Carafa II


5 AAU of Hallertau at 60 minutes and fermenting with my house WLP 833 strain.    

#56 Poptop


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Posted 17 January 2020 - 01:17 PM

I am trying to work out some kinks and I found a 4oz pack of Mt Hood in the freezer so my plan is:


11# Pils

12oz Carahell


2oz Mt Hood - 30

1oz Mt Hood - 5

1oz Mt Hood - 0


yeast will be 34/70 or Diamond

I plan to only adjust my water for pH and just roll with it.


Should be a touch over 5% and about 22 IBUs.  

I would like it a smidge darker but I am thinking of just trying sinamar at 10 minutes left.


Helles territory no?

#57 HVB


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Posted 17 January 2020 - 01:20 PM

Helles territory no?

Pretty much.  Just MT Hood instead of nobles.  I think it will be a good drinker

#58 Big Nake

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Posted 17 January 2020 - 01:29 PM

A blonde ale tomorrow.  GP, Pilsner, Munich 2, Northern Brewer to bitter and then three ounces of Mt. Hood into the whirlpool.  1056.  We're supposed to get some kind of snowmageddon this afternoon but it turns to rain and 38° tomorrow which I'm considering balmy and decent brewing weather.  Cheers fellow beerheads.  

#59 Poptop


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Posted 17 January 2020 - 01:45 PM

Pretty much.  Just MT Hood instead of nobles.  I think it will be a good drinker

I think the Mt. Hoods is a great hop for Noblesque sub's.  That one issue of Beer and Brewing (maybe 3 issues ago?) where they showcased the slow pour pils and Bierstadt Lager House's Helles inspires me to make one.  That was a great issue btw.

#60 pkrone


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Posted 19 January 2020 - 07:42 AM

Chickened out...    Doing a 80/20 pils/munich today.   My starters overflowed last night and made a huge mess.   It's gonna be a great beer!   :D

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