They have mentioned that they all started with PMB but eventully switched over to SMB. Personally for me... if I tried this technique I would almost be rooting for a situation where I noticed NO DIFFERENCE AT ALL. That would mean I wouldn't have to adapt to the low-O2 process.I've tried some of those processes without finding any difference. In the letter I received, it was stated that you need to follow every step exactly or it won't work. Ken, I spent 2 YEARS trying SMB in different stages of the brewing process. It made absolutely no difference that I could detect. To me, that says that I either didn't have a problem in the first place, or that if I did the SMB didn't fix it....because the beer was exactly the same. You should of course try it for yourself and reach your own conclusion.
Something else I just thought of...if it's the sulfites that are making this effective, then potassium metabite ought to work as well as sodium metabite. Is there any possibility that the sodium itself is causing the flavor change or is it the sulfite?