Even if you thought it tasted like a true American light lager, I'm just going to guess that it was better than that because you probably used better malt and fresher hops and I'm thinking that you used a nicer yeast with a better character (I know you like your 34/70) and that just HAS to be better than a macro-swill.
I will say, it did remind me (a lot) of a macro-swill beer, a la MHL, but it did have all of the things you mentioned above in play that made it more endearing than a store-bought macro:
- fresher ingredients, no doubt about it, and better quality: Avangard pils for the base, a bit of Weyermann wheat for head retention, and a pinch of Briess C-40 for a hint of color and body, for ~5-6-ish SRM. No rice or corn in this one.
And all Liberty for the hop load (1.5 oz for 90 min, then 0.5 with 10 minutes left, for ~20 IBU's or so), that had been vac-sealed and stored well below 0°; they looked and smelled fresh as the day I bought them 2 years ago.
- more yeast character from my trusty 34/70 (didn't scream out German-style pils, per se, but there was a noticeable European-ish tilt on the flavor and aroma), which made it much more enjoyable to drink vs. whatever bland yeast the macros use
I really like a beer like that especially when it's nice outside. I can't tell you how many times I've been hanging in the backyard and buds, family members or neighbors will stop over, point to my glass and say, "Can I have one of those?!?!?". Of course. 
Few higher compliments to me (and I'd suspect more than a few of our beer-forum bretheren) as a homebrewer than someone seeing what you're drinking, knowing you brewed it, and asking for one themselves.
The only potential downfall, tho, being an empty or nearly-empty keg. "Sorry, folks, but [pointing at your glass] is the last one."