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Fall Bounty Cyser

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#41 ScottS


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Posted 27 October 2009 - 06:54 AM

My cider guy might have finked out. Not sure yet. :facepalm:

#42 jdesq



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Posted 27 October 2009 - 07:14 AM

Please put me on the list. I'm good for this weekend.

#43 strangebrewer


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Posted 27 October 2009 - 07:21 AM

My cider guy might have finked out. Not sure yet. :)

Nobody likes a finky cider guy. :facepalm:

Please put me on the list. I'm good for this weekend.

Added to the list. Welcome aboard!

#44 DigitalTaper



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Posted 27 October 2009 - 09:09 PM

I'm in, I've only made Cyser once, it was the 2007 FB. Luckily for me, its been bulk aging and it ready for the bottle. Might as well start another batch to so some 2011 comparisons!

#45 strangebrewer


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Posted 28 October 2009 - 06:01 AM

I'm going to get mine started tomorrow, Wednesday, the 28th. Any chance of the Process thread setup by then?

visit my web page :blink:

#46 Poobah58



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Posted 28 October 2009 - 01:26 PM

I think I'll get in on this...

#47 strangebrewer


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Posted 28 October 2009 - 04:03 PM

Ok Digitaltaper and Poobah58 I just sent you the recipe PM. Here's the list of participants now:StrangebrewerScottSWengaredidajackzymotboulderbrewGuestrealbeerguyBeesNBrewsjdesqDigitalTaperPoobah58

#48 realbeerguy


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Posted 28 October 2009 - 08:27 PM

I should have my cider around 11/7, so I'll be lagging behind.No spices for me & 10# honey.

#49 japh



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Posted 29 October 2009 - 01:22 PM

I may be in, not sure yet.I have the recipe, so no need to PM me.

#50 VolFan


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Posted 30 October 2009 - 11:59 AM

A few questions since I only recently got my first mead going and racked to secondary.The apple orchard sends their apples to another place to have them pressed and pastuerized. 1. Is pastuerized cider ok or should I try and locate it before pastuerization? 2. I have 2 packs of the 71B and a smack pack of WY Sweet Mead. Seems the 71B is preferred but what are you alls thoughts on the WY yeast? Reason Im asking is that Im leaning towards making 10 gallons opposed to 5.I guess you can add me to the distribution list.

#51 VolFan


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Posted 30 October 2009 - 12:23 PM

You can use pasteurized, just nothing with preservatives.I prefer dry yeasts for my meads. Remember, there are more yeast in dry packets than in liquid yeast. We generally use two packets of dry yeast per 5-gallons, but I am pretty sure that you can do 10 gallons just fine.

Thanks for the quick response. They are presing tomorrow so I can get either. Since it's available think I should go get it before they pasteurize it?I did use two packets for my basic mead thats why I was wondering how the WY would do. If you thought it would do well I was going to make a starter when I got home to boost it up. Use two packs of the 71B in one batch and the WY in the other.

#52 strangebrewer


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Posted 30 October 2009 - 01:35 PM

Thanks for the quick response. They are presing tomorrow so I can get either. Since it's available think I should go get it before they pasteurize it?I did use two packets for my basic mead thats why I was wondering how the WY would do. If you thought it would do well I was going to make a starter when I got home to boost it up. Use two packs of the 71B in one batch and the WY in the other.

Added you to the list :smilielol: If I had the option I'd roll with the unpasteurized. I'd still introduce the yeast of choice, 71B in this case, but there is no replacement for fresh pressed cider. The aromatics alone are 10x that of any pasteurized cider and the flavor has so much more. IMO If you can preserve any of that you'll end up with a better cyser than what I think I'll get from my pasteurized juice.I've never used the WY Sweet mead yeast but as the name suggests I doubt it's going to ferment dry with an SG of 1.100+. As I recall it's actually the same strain as their 1084 Irish ale yeast. Or do I have my numbers mixed up? I would think 2 packets could handle 10g but I'd be more inclined to rehydrate them nicely to preserve as high a cell count as possible. I'd also keep a closer eye on the fermentation to ensure you get a good healthy ferment.

#53 VolFan


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Posted 30 October 2009 - 02:12 PM

Unpasteurized it is then. I will rehydrate with the GoFerm to maximize cell count and go ahead and order a few more packs just in case fermentation slows up. Just placed the order and she said it would be ready in the morning after they press. $4.99 gallon.

#54 VolFan


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Posted 30 October 2009 - 06:10 PM

:smilielol: Get as much as you can afford and do some wild ferment cider. I wish I could have access to $5 or less/gallon untouched cider in CO. The cheapest I can find is at least $9/gallon.

Like another 5-10 gallons? I've only skimmed the wild fermented cider topics and know very little about the subject.BTW since you know/knew the area the orchard that is doing the pressing is in Cleveland. My link

#55 ScottS


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Posted 02 November 2009 - 06:43 AM

WY Sweet Mead yeast is a notoriously unreliable fermenter. I'd avoid it.

#56 zymot


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Posted 02 November 2009 - 11:29 AM

WY Sweet Mead yeast is a notoriously unreliable fermenter. I'd avoid it.

My LHBS had a smackpack of that on close out, too old. I thought I could make a starter and might give it a try. I ended up putting it back into the fridge and go with the wine yeast i already have. Sounds like I saved myself some heart ache.zymot

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