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Connecticut mead and wine makers


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#1 eldernerd



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Posted 03 June 2013 - 11:36 AM

Hi, I'm rather new to making mead and wines. I've had my great batches and the ones that went down the :banghead:  drain.

I'm open to talking , chating, exchanging anything I have learned so far.  I feel the need for mead.. LOL.

I am reconditioning an old cast iron fruit press and will be making cider this year. It would be nice to find a local person

thats into mead, cyser and wine.

Edited by eldernerd, 03 June 2013 - 11:39 AM.

#2 MtnBrewer


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Posted 04 June 2013 - 11:46 AM

Definitely not local but always happy to chat about mead and cider. It'll be interesting to see how your press works out this fall. Nothing beats fresh pressed apple juice for cider.

#3 eldernerd



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Posted 04 June 2013 - 04:24 PM

Hi, The Press is in the Electrolysis tank right now.  Well parts of it as it won't all fit at once. only 32 bucks from ebay. what a deal. So I know you like Pink Floyd and Donald Fagan.. that cool.. so do I. thats my era. I have been busy today with chocolate and coffee. Im still writing down what I did. What did Arlo say... If you can remember the 60's then you were not there!

#4 MtnBrewer


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Posted 05 June 2013 - 08:24 AM

So I know you like Pink Floyd and Donald Fagan.. that cool.. so do I. thats my era.

The good thing about being old is that you got to see a lot of great music. That and the fact that it beats the shit out of the alternative.You missed a couple of other subtle clues: the center of the prism is tiger striped in honor of my alma mater, LSU. And my favorite author (Neal Stephenson) is referenced in my sig quote.Once in a while my homebrew club is able to get fresh-pressed cider from a guy down in Penrose, CO. We didn't get any last year because a late frost wiped out his crop. Hopefully this year we'll have better luck. The last time I got some, I didn't inoculate it with yeast. I just poured it into a carboy and slapped an airlock on it and let it ferment on the wild yeast that was on the apples. It took forever to ferment out but it's delicious.

#5 Genesee Ted

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Posted 07 June 2013 - 06:09 AM

It looks like if we don't have any crazy weather it will be a bumper crop of apples this year :frank:

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