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Have we talked about Starfield?

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#21 Vagus


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Posted 18 September 2023 - 12:12 PM

You talking difficulty?  I think it's normal.  I started the game and abandoned the character after about an hour of looking around getting a feel for things. I don't remember choosing the difficulty for the second (current) character, so I guess it's whatever the default is.

I'm just messing around, but yeah. Some RPGs call "easy mode" "story mode" now. And then you were like, "I don't even" and i was like, "I hear you" and then you replied and now i'm replying and I think that makes us compatible organ donors. LMK what you need and i'll send it out.

#22 EWW


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Posted 18 September 2023 - 07:26 PM

Ranger quest gives some sweet loot

#23 BrewerGeorge


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Posted 19 September 2023 - 05:53 AM

Ranger quest gives some sweet loot

The pistol?  Is it called Deadeye or something like that?

#24 EWW


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Posted 19 September 2023 - 07:04 PM

The pistol? Is it called Deadeye or something like that?

If you finish the whole quest line you get a nice surprise

#25 BrewerGeorge


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Posted 19 September 2023 - 08:22 PM

If you finish the whole quest line you get a nice surprise

I'm about to infiltrate the Crimson Fleet, I ain't got time for Westworld right now.

#26 EWW


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Posted 20 September 2023 - 03:17 AM

I'm about to infiltrate the Crimson Fleet, I ain't got time for Westworld right now.

Take your time and sandbox the game


#27 BrewerGeorge


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Posted 24 September 2023 - 05:21 PM

Whoa, I was NOT expecting that.


I'm not going to spoil it even within spoiler tags, but damn that was rough.  I'll just say make a save as soon as you see a mission pop up called A High Price to Pay.


Interestingly, I unhesitatingly chose based on what the character would have done rather than what would have been best for gamepllay purposes.  That might be a first for computer RPGs for me.

#28 Vagus


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Posted 25 September 2023 - 04:28 AM

They take a skill point? 

#29 BrewerGeorge


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Posted 28 September 2023 - 02:01 PM

I finished the Crimson Fleet main faction quest last night. Big, big space battle that I was not prepared for.  In fact, I spent the previous two days of play time experimenting with the ship builder, restoring saves and starting over before I settled on a ship strong enough to win.  The first time I tried it with the basically stock A-class Razorback and got slaughtered five or six times before I bailed on the final battle to go ship building.  B class won't cut it, either lacking the Ship building and design skill tiers to get the really good parts.  I finally had to spend a banked skill point for the final Piloting level to give me access to C class parts.


Now I've built the Razorback into a C class ship that was strong enough to clear the faction quest without getting killed a single time. Cost about $150k, but there's nothing else to spend money on since I'm not doing outposts this playthrough. Plus the reward for completing the quest was loads, and loads of filthy lucre.   I guess it's not too spoilery to share; it's just money.  It's $250k, so I'm way above where I started before getting the ship.

#30 BrewerGeorge


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Posted 16 October 2023 - 11:17 PM

I love this game, but Man you have to love Bethesda. If you don't already love their foibles going in you're going to get annoyed.

I'm lvl 53 now and could finish the main quest any time I wanted. Right now I'm running around power leveling to fill out the skill tree in preparation for New Game

#31 BrewerGeorge


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Posted 26 October 2023 - 10:06 AM

This game is SO broken, LOL. I love it, but there are so many things wrong with it. Half the skills are nearly useless, and at least two don't work at all.  The economy is ridiculous. The big quest lines don't integrate at all. Like there's nothing stopping you from being a Freestar Ranger and a Crimson Fleet Pirate king at the same time other than what your companions think of you.  There are currently at least two methods to power farm XP, not including exploits (though hunting Schrodinger III is so lucrative as to approach exploit, and they will certainly nerf it at the next patch). Space combat is so broken that it's nearly impossible if you haven't figured out the tricks, but becomes trivial once you do.  Even now at Very Hard difficulty, my Class C fighter is effectively untouchable while it melts opponents in seconds. It should be admitted that my ship is top tier for all its components, and it should dominate, but the game has no way to scale opponents to keep it challenging.


In spite of it's faults, I'm a Bethesda fanboi for life, and I've got just over 200 hrs in Starfield already.  I've got to kill another 20 or so ships to get the last level in a skill, then I'm going to see what the New Game+ is about.  Overall, though I imagine I'm mostly finished with it.

#32 BrewerGeorge


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Posted 31 October 2023 - 08:54 AM

I finished it this weekend.  Good ending, but I'm not in love with NG+.   I'm going to put it down for a while and get Phantom Liberty and Baldur's Gate 3 going.

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