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Tilt Hydrometer log for anyone interested


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#1 shaggaroo


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Posted 25 January 2020 - 04:38 PM

Just pitched a little while ago and started my Tilt log... first time using the Tilt... I've got a Raspberry Pi zero W running the Tilt software... if you're interested in following along, the link to the live log is below.



#2 HVB


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Posted 25 January 2020 - 05:04 PM

I put mine in a Helles this morning. Using and old tablet to log this time. I set a pi up before but it gave me issues last time and I did not have time to debug.

#3 shaggaroo


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Posted 25 January 2020 - 05:17 PM

For some reason, my pi isn’t sending video to the monitor, but seeing as I don’t need it, I won’t worry about it now

#4 HVB


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Posted 25 January 2020 - 05:25 PM

I am 99% sure my issue is operate error. As long as I have my data I am good.

#5 shaggaroo


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Posted 25 January 2020 - 05:28 PM


#6 Big Nake

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Posted 25 January 2020 - 07:36 PM

Not to derail, but I could use more information about raspberry pi.


A couple weeks ago I was at my BIL's house and he gets up, comes back and shows me a raspberry pi... Do you know what this is? and I told him that I had heard of them but never tinkered with one.  His kids got it for him for Christmas and he's an IT guy so it makes sense.  But what are some examples of what you can do with one?  What OS can it run and what languages can you drop onto it and program in?  I see here that you're getting the data from the tilt (which is using wifi?) and dropping the data into a sheet and I assume you could display it on a tablet, etc. but I feel like I never really think of an application for it.  

#7 shaggaroo


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Posted 25 January 2020 - 09:31 PM

Couple of things come to mind... people run their electric breweries with them using CraftBeerPi which I’ve played with a little; you can set up surveillance cams with them; music/video servers to name a few. As for language, the OS is Linux and there are multiple programming languages to choose from. The pi I’m using has a whopping 512 Mb of memory and cost $10. I’m thinking of buying the 4 B model for $55 which they claim could replace your desktop computer.

#8 jayb151


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Posted 25 January 2020 - 10:01 PM

Yea, as far as I understand, a Raspberry pi is just a dumbed down version on Debian Linux. I played with it when my wife bought me the original RPi 1, but I haven't done much with it. 


since then I've gotten into a lot of 3d printing stuff and considered one, but it still doesn't seem worth it. That said, if you need a computer for web browsing and some light video tasks, a RasPi is a good choice!

#9 jimdkc


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Posted 26 January 2020 - 12:44 AM

I own a couple of Raspberry Pi's. They are fun to play with, but I don't really have an application for one. I've tinkered with a classic game console (older arcade emulators), but the RPi 3's never seemed to be quite powerful enough. Maybe I'll try a 4...


I've considered setting one up as a utility computer on my electronics workbench.


I never really wanted to automate brewing that much. It seems that it would overtake the actual brewing as a hobby!


Also, I've been reading up on the iSpindle, which is a homebrew clone of the Tilt hydrometer. You can build 4 or 5 iSpindles for the price of one Tilt. But... they don't seem like they're quite ready for prime time yet... so many minor variations of the available components. You even have to be really careful about the weight of the battery, or they don't work right.


I'll be interested to watch your Tilt log!

Edited by jimdkc, 26 January 2020 - 12:46 AM.

#10 LeftyMPfrmDE


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Posted 26 January 2020 - 02:25 AM

I own a couple of Raspberry Pi's. They are fun to play with, but I don't really have an application for one. I've tinkered with a classic game console (older arcade emulators), but the RPi 3's never seemed to be quite powerful enough. Maybe I'll try a 4...




Same thing here. picked up a RP3 for NES/SNES emulation. noticed a lot of lag time/slow performance. I joined the RP brewer's FB group- and it seems interesting and very informative, and is by invite only. If anyone is curious, I can vouch for you to join the group. too bad i picked up all the PID's for my electric setup. 

#11 Big Nake

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Posted 26 January 2020 - 08:42 AM

I know a bit of Linux so that part is okay.  I am definitely in the "I don't need a solution looking for a problem" camp so that's why I asked about the applications that people use these for.  It sounds cool and I'm sure there are plenty of applications people have but do I *need* it?  My brewery is not electronic (it's woefully manual and simple) and I'm not an overly GADGET person unless it's really necessary.  I'm fine with gadgets but I often conclude that the gadgets that people go crazy over are "just for the sake of having things".  Case in point:  I do not have an Echo/Alexa.  I do not have a Roomba.  Thanks guys.  

#12 shaggaroo


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Posted 26 January 2020 - 10:29 AM

I'm not really gadget heavy either... the Tilt is the first brewery toy that I don't really need, but wanted! :) And I have also seen the iSpindel and have thought about trying to build one.

#13 djinkc


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Posted 30 January 2020 - 04:57 PM

that is cool

#14 HVB


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Posted 30 January 2020 - 05:39 PM

I have been watching how your beer and my beer are fermenting. I have diamond and I think you have 34/70.


#15 shaggaroo


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Posted 31 January 2020 - 07:26 AM

I have been watching how your beer and my beer are fermenting. I have diamond and I think you have 34/70.


correct, I'm using 34/70... I was a little worried that it took so long to start, but I only pitched one packet when I probably should've pitched two... I will say having the Tilt, keeps me a little more interested in what's happening. I find myself trying to predict what the gravity will be every time I check lol and looking at the wee beasties, they're still chugging away.

#16 jimdkc


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Posted 31 January 2020 - 07:50 PM

Been checking on this occasionally. I really like it! I think I need one! (No... I don't... but, I really WANT one!)


Maybe I'll check on progress people have been making with their iSpindles again!

#17 shaggaroo


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Posted 01 February 2020 - 10:06 AM

I didn't know I needed one until I had one  :D  wife asked what I wanted for xmas from her mother, so I said a Tilt might be cool, knowing full well that I probably wouldn't spend $145 on it myself, but as long as the MIL was going to spring for it, ok! As a scientist I find it cool to have the data. Still considering making an iSpindel...

#18 Big Nake

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Posted 01 February 2020 - 05:04 PM

Yeah, I could see getting one.  I just looked at the description and see that you want to get different colors so the app (if you use the app) can tell them apart if you're fermenting multiple batches at the same time (which I have been doing for about 2 months).  If you had two blue ones (for example), the app would not do what you want so you need a blue one and a red one (or whatever).  It might be fun to try it out and just use the app to check it... not log it, broadcast it to the outer worlds, etc.  :P 

#19 HVB


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Posted 01 February 2020 - 05:24 PM

I record and plot more for me than anyone else. I think watching how the same yeast works in different wort is a good learning experience.

#20 shaggaroo


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Posted 02 February 2020 - 08:01 AM

I've found it kind of fascinating to watch... I also realized that I didn't calibrate before I started. I did calibrate the app on my phone, so it's reading the gravity as 1.012, but shows as 1.015 on the spreadsheet.


To you lager experts, I'm wondering or maybe really looking for affirmation, is it time to bring it into the house and start to warm it up for a diacetyl rest?

Edited by shaggaroo, 02 February 2020 - 08:01 AM.

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