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Northeast/New England Group Buy

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#41 HVB


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Posted 22 April 2009 - 02:06 PM

I use these to store my bulk grain https://www.usplasti...roduct_id=31400if no one else wants the GP ... I will split the bag with Zymo

#42 ThroatwobblerMangrove


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Posted 22 April 2009 - 03:18 PM

I use these to store my bulk grain https://www.usplasti...roduct_id=31400if no one else wants the GP ... I will split the bag with Zymo

Those are pretty pricey for plastic containers - it would def put the hurt on my grain savings.

#43 HVB


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Posted 22 April 2009 - 03:50 PM

should also be able to use the plastic bins from the big box stores that are under 10 bucks. Or even 5 gallon buckets. I liked these because they were airtight ..

#44 dondewey


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Posted 22 April 2009 - 04:03 PM

I think I'll go 25# on the munich.

#45 ThroatwobblerMangrove


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Posted 23 April 2009 - 03:20 AM

should also be able to use the plastic bins from the big box stores that are under 10 bucks. Or even 5 gallon buckets. I liked these because they were airtight ..

True - the airtight factor propbably would make the grains last a lot longer so it's still something to consider. Is US plastics the cheapest place to get this stuff? Can you fit a 55lb sack in one of those 40lb vittles vaults?

#46 HVB


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Posted 23 April 2009 - 06:24 AM

True - the airtight factor propbably would make the grains last a lot longer so it's still something to consider. Is US plastics the cheapest place to get this stuff? Can you fit a 55lb sack in one of those 40lb vittles vaults?

I think I did get a full bag in there .. but it was a tight fit. I also have a regular Vittle Vault that I use for other grain that fits an entire bag but it is more $$. I may pick up some of these to try, https://www.usplasti.....duct_id=30698 at about 5.50 for bucket and cover it is worth a shot. looks like they hold 4.5 gallons so 2 may be needed for a full sack.Mike

#47 No Party JKor

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Posted 23 April 2009 - 10:17 AM

I don't think it's too hard to put together an air tight storage system. Based on a bulk density of 30.5 lb/ft3 (Source), a 55 lb sack of barley takes up about 13.5 gallons.McMaster 4142T12 - 15 gallon fiber drum with locking ring - $22.36 (55 gallon drum is only $38.50, you could store 4 whole sacks in there)With the plastic storage bins or trash barrels, just get some adhesive backed weather stripping and stick it around the rim. That should be pretty air tight, especially with the trash barrels with locking lids. You could even buy a few spring clamps to clamp the lid down, or make a solid lid out of wood then clamp it down. There are plenty of low cost options, IMO.

#48 No Party JKor

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Posted 23 April 2009 - 11:10 AM

Update...Group Buyers: JKoravos, Drez77, zymological, WinkyDowBrewing, bdutton...Shared Supplies:MaltsPils: Zym 15# (need 40# for a full sack)Wheat: Zym 15# (need 40# for a full sack)Crystal I (45L): Drez 5# (need 50# for a full sack)Crystal II (60L): JK 10#, Zym 10# (need 35# for a full sack)Dark Crystal I (85L): Drez 5# (need 50# for a full sack)Dark Crystal II (120L):Chocolate: JK 10#, Drez 5# (need 40# for a full sack)Roasted Barley: JK 10#, BZ 5#, Drez 5#, Zym 10# (need 25# for full sack)Melanoidin: JK 10#, BZ 5# Drez 5# (need 35# for full sack) Rye: JK 10#, BZ 10# (need 35# for full sack)Golden Promise: Zym 20#, Drez 15# (Drez/Zym full sack split?)Munich: BZ-25# (need 30# for full sack)Pale Chocolate: Drez 10# (need 45# for full sack)Add your own:Hops (Specifiy whether you want pellet or leaf)Cascade: JK 1#Northern Brewer: Drez 1#Hal. Mittelfruh: Zym 1#Willamette: Zym 1#Magnum: Zym 1#Add your own:We're well on our way to full sacks of rosated barley, golden promise and probably munich. For a few others I think we may be able to split some full sacks. For expample, I could pull 15# of wheat and 25# of Munich from my two full sacks for zym and Ben, that way I could maybe get another full sack of something and those guys can get more of what they want, too.

#49 ThroatwobblerMangrove


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Posted 23 April 2009 - 11:57 AM

Since it doesn't affect anyone I think I'm going to backout on the magnum hops and just stick with the Hal. Mittelfruh and Willamette.edit: I guess I'll add some East Kent Golding to the order so my hops will be1# Williamette1# Hal. Mittelfruh1# EKGalso - thanks for possibly pulling some grains for me :P

#50 ThroatwobblerMangrove


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Posted 23 April 2009 - 12:03 PM

yet another also: I'll split the bag of golden promise with Drez if no one else is interested...

#51 No Party JKor

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Posted 23 April 2009 - 04:58 PM

I might take a few pounds of GP, I have to go over what I'm ordering and figure everything out.

#52 HVB


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Posted 23 April 2009 - 05:31 PM

Still thinking about the barrel .. just have to determine the size.Mike

#53 No Party JKor

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Posted 23 April 2009 - 06:19 PM

Haven't posted yet as I can get grains for less(know people), but if a meetup can be organized for grain pickup date where we all have some fun I could be down.

Hmmmm...bulk grains = party?I like the way you think.

#54 No Party JKor

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Posted 23 April 2009 - 09:06 PM

Another update:Full Sacks(9) Maris Otter (zym 1, drez 2, JK 2, WDB 4)(5) 2-row Pale (zym 1, drez 2, JK 2)(2) Munich (zym 1, drez 1)(1) Rye (drez)(3) 50# Lt. DME (bdutton)(1) FB Pils (Ben 1)Total: 21Partial SacksPils (zym 15#, JK 40#)Wheat (zym 15#, JK 40#)Roasted Barley (JK 10#, Ben 5#, drez 5#, zym 10#, ??? 25#)Munich (Ben 25#, JK 30#)Golden Promise (zym 20#, drez 20#, JK 15#)Total: 5HopsCascade 1# (JK)Norther Brewer 1# (drez)Hal. Mittelfruh 1# (zym)Willamette 1# (zym)EKG 1# (zym)Total: 5#Plus 1 oak barrel, size TBD (if allowed on the pallet).We have 26 units of malt and 5# of hops. That gives us 31 'units' and the shipping cost per 'unit' is $2.90. For the grains, that gives an average cost per pound of grain of 74.2 cents including shipping.Also, check the hops group buy thread I started. I want to use some of the spare room on our pallet to get some 11# bags of hops and split them up among other people on the board not involved in this group buy. That way those of us in this group buy will be able to get some really cheap hops ($18-19/lb, instead of $23-24).

#55 ThroatwobblerMangrove


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Posted 24 April 2009 - 03:26 AM

How are they calculating the shipping? It wouldn't seem quite accurate to have the same shipping charge to a 55lb sack of grain and 1lb bag of hops. I'd think figuring out the per pound shipping charge for the whole order and doing it this way might be more reasonable. If I'm off here just do it the way you thought made sense - maybe I'm misunderstanding you or how they calculate shipping.edit: just to make it clear I'm not complaining here - either way this is going to be a pretty killer deal for everyone :smilielol:

#56 No Party JKor

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Posted 24 April 2009 - 04:07 AM

In the spreadsheet blktre sent me they had it calculated per item, rather than per pound. So that was the way I left it. To me it can make sense both ways. If you charge per pound than the hops shipping per pound is like 6 cents, which is fine since we're all ordering grain, but if someone jumped in and just wanted hops they'd only be footing a tiny portion of the shipping bill. Also, technically, we're not paying for shipping by the pound, it's a flat rate, so the shipping price per sack will go up if we go by pounds vs. items. I'm open to either way, though.

#57 ThroatwobblerMangrove


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Posted 24 April 2009 - 04:20 AM

In the spreadsheet blktre sent me they had it calculated per item, rather than per pound. So that was the way I left it. To me it can make sense both ways. If you charge per pound than the hops shipping per pound is like 6 cents, which is fine since we're all ordering grain, but if someone jumped in and just wanted hops they'd only be footing a tiny portion of the shipping bill. Also, technically, we're not paying for shipping by the pound, it's a flat rate, so the shipping price per sack will go up if we go by pounds vs. items. I'm open to either way, though.

It's tricky - at $3 shipping per unit it becomes borderline with regards to if the hops are any better than hops direct prices.

#58 ThroatwobblerMangrove


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Posted 24 April 2009 - 04:26 AM

It's tricky - at $3 shipping per unit it becomes borderline with regards to if the hops are any better than hops direct prices.

Granted - I suspect it's still a small savings overall compared to hops direct but without being able to calculate their current shipping prices (I can only base it on past shipping prices) I can't be sure.Maybe you should list out the hops that are already being bought over in your hop trading thread so we could get up to an 11lb bag and really roll around in the savings :smilielol:

#59 *_Guest_Blktre_*

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Posted 24 April 2009 - 02:47 PM

Guys,I may give a piece of info id forgotten about. The online pricing most likely will change from what will actually be charged. How i set things up is i use the online pricing as a comparative. Actual and comparative various just slightly. Then once the order is 100% complete, i email the spreadsheet to NCM. I will then get a order receipt with current market pricing. I then update the spreadsheet pricing. I also post or send the spreadsheet to all the brewers before i email it so everyone can verify their order. Mistakes can be made and its nice for brewers to see and verify. I give a time line for verification and payment. They will honor the pricing while you collect all your money from everyone. Once all monies is collected, i pull the trigger. Just some helpful hints i learned along the way.Cheers....

Edited by Blktre, 24 April 2009 - 02:51 PM.

#60 ThroatwobblerMangrove


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Posted 24 April 2009 - 03:01 PM

Add 1# of cascade for me - what the hell right? :smilielol:

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