So I always liked Schlenkerla Oak Smoke and considered it their best rauchbier.
I had a red oak cut down last year and am going through trimming up some of the waste into usable boards.
I had smoked grains before for my clone of Alaskan Brewing 's Smoked Porter which turned out quite well. I used Alder wood for that one.
So as I was carrying an armful of scrap that would go onto the burn pile I walked by my smoker and the neurons connected. I haven't had that wonderful brew for years and it isn't available in East Tennessee. Oddly enough the supermarkets have plenty of Bud Light. And here I am throwing out pieces of oak that could go into my smoker.
So I said ALL of that to ask this: Am I on the right track here?
For reference:
Facts on „Schlenkerla Oak Smoke“:
- brewed with 100% Schlenkerla Oak Smoke Malt
- 8% alcohol
- 35 bitter units from finest Hallertau aroma hops
- Bernstein (amber) color