I have a mix of quick and rolled oats in the pantry that needs to go. I guess I don't have to use it all but I have at least 3lbs, maybe 4lbs total. I'm assuming for beer purposes these are pretty much the same.
So anyway it would be cool to use these oats up just to make more space on that shelf.
For a base I've been itching to make something with golden promise.
So let's see...
lots of GP
2-4lbs of oats
0.5 lbs C15
0.5 lbs caravienne
This is a 10 gallon batch so I'll add enough GP to get my total OG up to around 1.060-1.065.
Then the hops. 30 min boil.
Bitter to 50 IBUs with a bravo?? never used this hop but figured why not.
in the last 10 mins I'll nail the beer with a mix of citra/chinook/el dorado and maybe a touch of bravo since I hear that does something good???
ferment with a mix of S-04 and US-05 since I have them in the fridge right now.
dry hop with more of the same late hops minus the bravo.
sounding pretty good so far?