I never did get an answer from Joe and I emailed him about a month ago. 
I also wonder if the iron that has existed in the water all this time had a positive or negative impact on previous beers and what the brewtan will do now that it's in place.
well so far I've made 3 beers but unfortunately they are all new to me recipes. but I do know what I would typically expect.
the first was an AIPA. probably slightly maltier than I was expecting and the bittering hops seemed smoother. perhaps I had some harshness in the past that I thought were IBUs?
the next was a porter. I haven't tasted this carbed yet but initial impressions are that it's going to be a very clean and smooth beer. in the past I've really struggled to brew porters and stouts that didn't have some harshness that I associated with the roasted malts.
today I made an "American" ESB. it's essentially a hoppy APA made with WL002 and mostly GP. I'll have to report back on this one later.