If I'm brewing a good amount of beer, it's a separate storing vessel. I have room for 4 kegs on draft and another 4 in the "on-deck" fridge. I try to "lager" my lagers for a good 8 weeks or so which means the on-deck fridge is going to be full and if I brew I would need a place to take the beer from primary. I have 8 good kegs (2 others need some help because they're leaking gas). Plus I like the idea of leaving the beer on the cool basement floor and clarifying. I could go directly from primary to keg but the timing would have to be just so and there would be a good amount of gunk in the keg as well and I really don't want to get into keg-to-keg transfers. I would have to give it some thought. You guys seem to turn your beers around much faster than I do so maybe I just need to rethink how I do things and skip that step. Now to sell the 6 or 8 Better Bottles I have.What is the purpose of the secondary for the majority of the beers you are making?

EDIT: A clear beer sitting in a secondary is 48 hours away from being served (just needs to be chilled and carbed) so that's my "backup stash". When a keg goes down, one from the on-deck fridge goes into its place and the empty is immediately (ish) filled with one of the beers sitting in secondary. If I were to purge the secondaries, would that make them a little more acceptable?