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Membership Dues - dupe payment, not processed?

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#1 chuck_d


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Posted 10 February 2016 - 06:51 PM



A couple days ago I saw that I was just a "Frequent Member" and not a patron, so I went and donated again.  After my status hadn't changed I clicked on the Client Area, and realized that I have a pending payment to be processed from November as well, 3 months ago I guess.  If possible, can you just set my patronage to expire 2 years from November instead of dealing with a PayPal refund?  That might be the easiest way to rectify this.


Also, quick question.  When my membership status changes, does that allow me to put URLs in my signature.  I currently have a couple, but it says I'm allowed 0 urls in my sig.  I assume this is because I'm not a patron, and that I originally created my sig while one of my previous patronages was still active.  If that's how it works, how many URLs is the limit?  I want to update my sig because it's currently pointing at a no longer actively used twitter account.  I use @craftbrewmaster most these days, for twitter, instagram and untappd.



#2 chuck_d


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Posted 10 February 2016 - 06:54 PM

Doh, I just saw the sticky.  Well, y'all keep the money.  I know it costs money to host this thing, and you guys are donating your time to maintain and moderate the forums.  But, can I get Patron status?


But, can you still get that money I sent?  If not, I'll try to figure out how to get my money back from PayPal.  But if you can get it, I want you guys to have it.  That was the point in donating in the first place.

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