Entering a comp can be fun and interesting, but in the end... hear hear!!! Drink away!I don't really place my beers on a stage with a spotlight on them... they're meant for drinking.

Pilsner Malt vs. American 2-row...
Posted 28 August 2009 - 11:24 AM
Posted 28 August 2009 - 11:31 AM
I agree with that and I have entered some. My experience is that it's more trouble than it's worth. I absolutely HATE sending beers across the country and I have entered some so-so beers that did great and I've entered some beers that I thought were fantastic only to have them bashed. I guess I don't really benefit from them.Entering a comp can be fun and interesting, but in the end... hear hear!!! Drink away!
Posted 28 August 2009 - 11:45 AM
Well put brewbrother. Couldn't have said it better myself.I should have mentioned that I agree with Criscose and George's philosophy. While I want my beers to be good (okay, great!), I don't necessarily expect everything that I brew to be a perfect work of art. I don't enter comps and my beers are meant for general consumption for me, my wife, friends, family and neighbors. I don't really place my beers on a stage with a spotlight on them... they're meant for drinking.
Posted 28 August 2009 - 03:35 PM
Posted 28 August 2009 - 04:00 PM
I wonder if some of that flavor profile might be DMS. I know that the paler the malt, the more prone to DMS it is. For this reason, Jamil always recommends a 90 minute boil with pils malt.Both my wife and I can easily pick out pilsener malt flavors in beers with a simple grain bill - she doesn't care for it too much. I will often sub 2-row in beers with appreciable amounts of munich, xtal or other specialty grains as those tend to overwhelm the delicate flavor of pilsener malt. I don't see any point in paying for the pils malt if I won't taste the difference.I can't really describe the flavor/aroma profile exactly, but I suspect pilsener malt has similar flavors and aroma as 2-row, just more of it. Sweetness was mentioned earlier, and if you munch on a few pils malt grains you'll notice more sweetness than 2-row, or at least I do. It's a good question by Ken for sure. When I think pilsener malt is crucial is with brews like Munich Helles, Kolsch or similar styles where the flavor profile is really driven by the base malt. I wish I could put words to the flavor I perceive as being pilsener malt. I would describe it as a more grainy, malty, with a more sharp nasal sensation than you get with 2-row.
Posted 29 August 2009 - 06:05 AM
Posted 30 August 2009 - 06:42 AM
Posted 30 August 2009 - 08:12 AM
I'd go with the 2124 Bohemian lager yeast. I always cut my regular water with some distilled to get it a little softer when brewing a Pils.I stopped and picked up some Durst Pils yesterday and I plan to conduct an experiment. I have my Blonde Ale in primary right now (made with American 2-row) and I could either make that beer again with the Pils or another batch of this "American Standard/Premium" with 2124 Bohemian lager yeast that I have already made twice this summer... both times with 2-row as the base malt.
Edited by VolFan, 30 August 2009 - 08:37 AM.
Posted 30 August 2009 - 11:41 AM
Posted 30 August 2009 - 02:58 PM
I wonder if some of that flavor profile might be DMS. I know that the paler the malt, the more prone to DMS it is. For this reason, Jamil always recommends a 90 minute boil with pils malt.
Posted 30 August 2009 - 04:21 PM
I wonder if some of that flavor profile might be DMS. I know that the paler the malt, the more prone to DMS it is. For this reason, Jamil always recommends a 90 minute boil with pils malt.
I think the sweeter flavor in pils is closely related to a "corn" like flavor, but more grainy and faint- rather than the "bready" flavor of a pale malt. I always do a 90 minute boil regardless, but when I first taste a green beer made with pils I always think there is a slight bit of this corn-like flavor, and aroma. I have tasted DMS in other's competition beers, and it is distinct, I have not ever had a DMS comment on my own beers, but yet there is still that slight sweet corn somewhere there.Ironically I have made BYO's clone of DFH's India Brown many times, and they use pilsner for the base in an American brown, along with flaked maize. I have some on tap right now actually, and this beer has no pils taste whatsoever in it. Very malty, and very accurate to the original, I have thought about using pale malt instead for this recipe to see the difference if any. For my Belgian tripels, blonds, and BSGAs I cannot think of using anything but pils. I have also used Rahr pils in a lot of recipes, and it is fairly cheap, the same as Rahr pale, so I stick with the traditional ingredients anyhow.Good point, but I don't think DMS is what I associate with pils malt unless pretty much every pilsener based lager I've downed in the States or over in Europe had DMS in it. I was always told DMS was more of a cooked corn taste. The flavor I associate with pilsener malt is a little more sharp and nasal. To me, pilsener malt just tastes more like grain, or more of the grain, with a subtle spicy flavor. Not spicy like rye, but maybe somewhat in that direction? I have been trying to put my finger on what distinctive flavors/aromas are in pils for years and I still can't do it, but I know it when I smell/taste it.
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