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Randalizer How-To

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#1 MtnBrewer


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Posted 05 April 2009 - 10:48 AM

Making Your Own Randalizercontributed by JimvyOK hopheads, chances are you’ve already heard about the randalizer. If not, it’s a great hoppy invention designed and created by Dogfish Head Brewery for use with their hoppy beers. In a nutshell, basically it’s a filter system….backwards….with hops! It’s like an instant dry hop. What you do is run your beer thru dry hops before it gets to your glass. The results are amazing.It’s really a simple (and relatively cheap) project for a homebrewer. The design isn’t quite the same, but the results are. All you need is a filter system, a piece of pvc pipe, a pvc connector and a picnic tapper. The pvc should be 1/2" OD SS tubing and the connector should be 1/2" ID x 3/4"OD.Posted Image The pvc tubing will actually fit in the bottom of the filter casing. However, the top of the casing is much larger.—that’s where the connector comes into play. I had to sand down the insides of both sides of the connector to get a good fitting. You may or may not have to.Posted Image The length of the pvc tubing may vary depending on your filtration system. I got the cheap one from Beer Beer and More Beer ($39) and I needed about an 8 inch piece.Posted ImageAfter cutting the pvc to size, I drilled a bunch of tiny holes in the tubing.Posted Image After that, all you do is put it together. On the “OUT” side of the filtration system, replace the keg connector with a picnic tap and you’re ready to roll! Expect some foaming. I usually pour from the tap into a pitcher and then pass that around to friends. Enjoy!Posted Image

#2 MtnBrewer


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Posted 21 July 2011 - 08:22 AM

As you can see, the photos from Jimvy's How-to are no longer hosted. So chriscose has graciously offered to write up his version, complete with pictures, after building his own Randall recently. Thanks chriscose! :scratch:I've always been a big fan of hoppy beers, but not necessarily a fan of very bitter beers. I saw a build of a randalizer on this forum and figured I have the filter housing and everything else can be had for cheap, so why not? Jimvy was kind enough to outline his build so I took it from there.You start with the basic filter housing, what morebeer! sells as their entry level filter. this can be had for about $40 or so. Then you hit the hardware store for some PVC fittings. I got a foot length of 1/2" ID pvc and a little connector that's 3/4" ID. That's the parts list. I kid you not!Posted ImageRemove the top and pop the filter out. You'll find a little piece of plastic that protrudes but is hollow. Take your 3/4" ID connector and you'll need to bore it out some with sandpaper. This took about ten minutes or so, no big deal, but it was blister inducing (full disclosure I work in an office. You who work with your hands are probably laughing at me but hey, it takes all kinds right?). Bore it out until it fits really tight.It should look something like this when insertedPosted ImageThat's the majority of the work. Easy DIY stuff here.Next, take your foot length of 1/2" ID PVC and cut it to length (A little word to the wise, take many cuts if you need to. You can always take off more but can't add it back after it's cut). A little heads up, cut it so that it can touch the bottom of the cartridge housing snugly. The connector piece will help in that it will make it so your cut doesn't need to be exact, it gives some wiggle room. Mine cut to about 8" (I was a little tipsy when I built it, so the EXACT measurement is escaping me). Next, drill a series of holes in the ~8" PVC tube.Posted ImageNext, fit that tubing into the 3/4" ID connector.Posted ImageScrew that bad boy down so it fits flush with the plastic protruding from the filter housing.Posted ImageI unscrewed it to make sure the upper connection remained nice and tight. Screw it back together and make sure you retain that nice flush fit at the bottom.Posted ImageHook up one end of the filter line to the keg, and attach a picnic tap to the other. Hook it up to your favorite hoppy beer and enjoy the greatness that is a freshly hopped, inline randalizer.This will foam a fair amount. Nothing can be done about this. Fill up a pitcher and serve it to some friends. I also found it benefited from hanging out in the chamber waiting for the next pitcher to be filled. I will start messing around with contact times soon. When I do, I'll have the nice mods here amend this FAQ with my finding. Enjoy all, Thanks to Jimvy for the initial walk through!

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