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Chocolate Cafe in Heaven

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#1 eldernerd



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Posted 04 June 2013 - 04:37 PM

06-04-2013 @ 9:00am I have a confession to make. I'm a plant based Chef, kinda like Jacques Pepin but now with my own mead instead of wine. I went into the kitchen and after saying that chocolate would complicate things. I ate a hunk of 90% chocolate and then decided it was all just some sort of  brain dead moment. After a flurry or prepping the kitchen I just started doing what I do, but this time Chocolate Coffee, honey and maple syrup. When I was done I wrotet down and here it is. Of course its a small test batch, but it smelled so good! Chocolate Cafe in Heaven   1 Gallon Batch, Scales nicely- use grams for Fermaid-k. Less will be better than too much 3 lbs local Wildflower honey 1.5 oz unsweetened Natural “Non Dutched”cocoa powder. Dutched will really raise the PH 3/4 gallon spring water 1 cup strong black coffee – Fresh Ground and Drip brewed in double cone filters 1½ cups maple syrup Vermont grade B 3 teaspoons Acid Blend – Don t add all at once – test and add 1 tsp at a time – Aim for a 3.4 PH Lalvin EC-1118 yeast re-hydrated ½ tsp Fermaid K  Not All at once, See schedule OG = 1.120  FG = 1.010   Estimated ABV 14.4% Put the water and coffee on the stove and bring to 120 deg F. Turn off the heat after it reaches 120. Put the honey and maple syrup along with the Cocoa in the pan and mix till combined well. Cover and let it cool to 85 Deg F Transfer to a clean and sanitized 2 gallon plaster fermenter Rehydrate the yeast and when the yeast and the must are at the same temp Pitch the yeast. After 6 hours add 1 gram ( ¼ tsp) of Fermaik-k (Mix with 25ml distilled water) Cover Primary and attach airlock. Stir daily for 5 Days. On day 2 add .6 grams (1/8 tsp) Fermaid-K  -  (Mix with 25ml distilled water) On day 5 add .4 grams (1/10 tsp) Fermaid-K  -  (Mix with 25ml distilled water) On Day 7 rack into a clean sanitized glass jug, DND till all signs of fermentation have stopped. About 2 weeks. Then taste and rack. If the FG went too far.. like .995 then sweeten with honey to taste. Also check PH and adjust to your taste Rack again and if you feel the need to, then stabilize.

Wait till its clear and bottle.

Age as long as you can :') Yield equals 10 - .375 L bottles  


#2 neddles


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Posted 04 June 2013 - 06:49 PM



 If the FG went too far.. like .995 then sweeten with honey to taste.




With that yeast and your feeding schedule you will likely get that dry or even beyond. I would select a yeast that craps out around 14% and crash and stabilize when it hits your desired FG. My $.02. It's just a supposition 'cause I haven't tried a chocolate or coffee mead before but I think you are going to want it sweeter than 1.010 to accentuate those elements.  

#3 eldernerd



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Posted 04 June 2013 - 08:07 PM



With that yeast and your feeding schedule you will likely get that dry or even beyond. I would select a yeast that craps out around 14% and crash and stabilize when it hits your desired FG. My $.02. It's just a supposition 'cause I haven't tried a chocolate or coffee mead before but I think you are going to want it sweeter than 1.010 to accentuate those elements.  

Hi, Thanks for your input.

the reason I selected the ec-1118 yeast is the very low requirement for O2 for that yeast. Feeling that there will be a thick gooie head on it most of the time I figured this would work.

Is there a yeast with very low O2 requirements that goes to only 14%?

You are probably correct about wanting it sweeter. This is version 1.....  I never tired anything like this either So time will tell if its sweet enough.

#4 MtnBrewer


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Posted 05 June 2013 - 08:12 AM

Thanks for the recipe. I'm very interested in meads with chocolate in them because I want to try to make a mead along the lines of Meadery of the Rockies Chocolate Cherry Satin. I've never used chocolate before so I'm gathering data about how much of it to use and in what form. I have some cocoa nibs but it seems like the preferred form is powder.

As far as the question about O2 requirements, I usually don't worry about that because I hit it with oxygen when I add my SNA additions.

I agree with ettels that you'd probably want some sweetness to balance the bitterness from the coffee. In my case, I'd definitely want it on the sweet side, both to bring out the fruit more and to balance the acidity of the cherries.

Lastly, I'm going to move this over to the recipe section.

#5 Genesee Ted

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Posted 06 June 2013 - 08:13 PM

I have never had a chocolate mead.  Sounds like it could be pretty awesome.  

#6 DieselGopher


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Posted 09 June 2013 - 07:23 PM

I have a chocolate mead aging right now. Basically followed the "liquid sex" recipe that's all over the net. It's a little over a year old, but I'm still bulk aging and plan on not touching it until 2016, so I won't be much help for a while.

#7 realbeerguy


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Posted 05 December 2016 - 06:24 PM

I have a chocolate mead aging right now. Basically followed the "liquid sex" recipe that's all over the net. It's a little over a year old, but I'm still bulk aging and plan on not touching it until 2016, so I won't be much help for a while.

It's 2016!!!!!



#8 DieselGopher


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Posted 06 December 2016 - 03:29 AM

It's 2016!!!!!


12 gallons still in carboys. I plan on bottling after the holidays. Look for a January update. :)

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