Any Thoughts, Critiques Welcome: Belgian Style Metheglin
Posted 09 June 2012 - 02:57 PM
Posted 10 June 2012 - 05:08 AM
Posted 01 July 2012 - 09:37 AM
Posted 01 July 2012 - 09:48 AM
The 3711 took this batch from 1.110 to 1.006 in three weeks using SNA.
very nice!
I am thinking of trying something similar this fall, but going towards a belgian dark base using a combination of honey and mollasses, any experience with mollasses, am I wasting my time?
Posted 01 July 2012 - 11:39 AM
Posted 01 July 2012 - 11:48 AM
that's why I asked you allIf the molasses is for color, I'd lean toward dark Belgian candi syrup, maybe 1/2 pound of SRM 80 to five gallons. If the molasses is for flavor, I'd probably try to find some dark buckwheat honey and use sparingly, it has something of a "barnyard" smell when used liberally. My experiences fermenting molasses have not ended well: it takes quite a while, even by mead standards, for the alcohol burn to subside. YMMV and others may have better experiences.
I have a gallon of it and was thinking too much
Posted 17 January 2017 - 07:05 AM
Well Armagh, I found this thread after all.
Intrigued by all that I have read above, my plan is in process. Had an old pack of 3711 that is now stirring away as a 2L starter made with 8oz DME. I obtained 12# of Wild Flower Honey from Loxahatchee Farms. Last night I took 1 of the 4 gallons I anticipate using and simmered 1/2# of Special B. To that I simmered 1# of Amber DME & 1/4 teaspoon ground rosemary, all currently chilled in the refrigerator. Tonight I plan on adding this wort along with the honey and 3 more gallons of water to the fermenter. Considering the temperature range of 3711 I plan on starting the batch at 73 F. Nutrients to be added of course. Once the heavy work is done, I'm considering a secondary with a pound of raisins that have been marinating in Madeira since May/June. Charred oak chips being considered.
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