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Gluten Free beers for Celiac peeps

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#1 AspenLeif


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Posted 31 March 2009 - 10:34 AM

My wife has celiacs. I've tried a few commercially brewed beers.My favorites, in order areNew Grist - Lakefront brewery in WIRedbridge - AB, St. Louis, MODragons Gold - Bards Tail brewery.I just found this at our last trip to WholeFoods Green's by Andelot DeProef Brewery, in Lochristi, Belgium. They have 3 styles and we grabbed the dubble. I am not a fan of belgians...but my wife does (or used to). I'll have to post a review about this when we have it. It wasn't cheap though... 6 bucks for a 16oz bottle.MB

#2 AspenLeif


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Posted 02 May 2009 - 05:15 PM

I just found this at our last trip to WholeFoods Green's by Andelot DeProef Brewery, in Lochristi, Belgium. They have 3 styles and we grabbed the dubble. I am not a fan of belgians...but my wife does (or used to). I'll have to post a review about this when we have it. It wasn't cheap though... 6 bucks for a 16oz bottle.MB

Wife had it this weekend. Again, I am not a huge fan of belgians...so...It was actually pretty good. Heavy on the candi sugar notes, high carbonation, and true belgian finish. For the style, I'd say it's spot on. There is slight sorghum notes on the back of the tongue, but certainly not noticeable unless you were aware that this was a gluten free beer.For 6 bucks a pint bottle, a little pricey....but if you like the style, you'd not be disappointed.Wife said she would certainly try one of the other styles by the same brewery.MB

#3 DaBearSox


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Posted 12 November 2009 - 05:50 PM

New Grist is delicious

#4 mTizzle


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Posted 17 August 2010 - 02:12 PM

My sister is also afflicted and likes the New Grist.

#5 DaBearSox


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Posted 13 March 2011 - 09:24 PM

If you can find it check out Shakparo from Sprecher brewing out of Milwaukee...also New Planet who contract brews out of Fort Collins Brewery. They have Tread lightly which to me is much like an English summer ale and a Raspberry ale which won third at the GABF this year. It's a tart raspberry not a sweet one.

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