According to Northern Brewer this is a malt that is kilned specifically for the brewing of Kolsch by a maltster near Cologne, Germany. They also indicate it could benefit from a protein rest and that it will yield a slightly darker Kolsch than is often seen in contemporary versions of the style. Kolsch is a favorite style around my household so I had to give this a try. I brewed up 10 gallons of Kolsch with the following grist:95% Global Malt Kolsch Malt5% White WheatMash was triple decoction:100 dough in130 protein rest154 sacch rest168 mash outHit 70% efficiency which is typical on my system and hit an OG of 1.050. Final gravity was 1.008 after fermenting 17 days with WLP029. This is 84% attenuation which is above the range published for the yeast by White Labs, so it would seem this malt yielded a very fermentable wort.The color is on the deep, golden side of Kolsch, similar to many of the Kolsch I have had in Germany but darker than many of the Kolsch-style ales found in North America. The flavor is similar to continental pilsener malt, with grainy and malty notes. A definite richness is present with an up-front slight sweetness that seems appropriate for the style. Overall, this is the best example of a Kolsch I have brewed and I plan to use this malt for all of my Kolsch in the future and quite possibly for other brews as well. It seems like it would work well in the grist for other German Ales such as Alt, and possibly even lagers such as Munich Helles.

Global Malt Kolsch Malt
Started by
Jimmy James
, Jun 08 2009 02:05 PM
4 replies to this topic
Posted 08 June 2009 - 02:05 PM
Posted 08 June 2009 - 02:09 PM
I recently bought some of this malt too, from midwest. I hope to make a quick kölsch recipe where I can go from kettle to glass in about a week and then keep myself stocked all summer. The color you describe sounds like what they advertise, that it's a little on the darker side.Edit: https://www.brewerss...malt/global.php
Edited by chuck_d, 08 June 2009 - 02:11 PM.
Posted 08 June 2009 - 02:22 PM
Chuck, thanks for pointing out another source for this malt. Would love to hear how your Kolsch turns out.
Posted 08 June 2009 - 02:55 PM
I've got two brews in front of it with starters ready, but it will be up after that. Just picked up some 2565 now too. I'll definitely post something once I run this process to see if it's worthwhile.Chuck, thanks for pointing out another source for this malt. Would love to hear how your Kolsch turns out.
Posted 14 June 2009 - 06:45 PM
Let us know how it turns out! I might like to try it soon...
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