Brewing DefinitionsAcetaldehyde Identified by the smell or taste of green applesAdjunct Any unmalted, fermentable ingredient such as rice, honey or Belgian candi sugar that you add to beer, often used to add flavor or alcoholAerate To force air or oxygen into solutionAerobic A process requiring oxygenAgar A gelatinous culture medium for yeast culturingAle yeast Top fermenting yeast with ideal fermentation temperature around 68F: Latin name Saccharomyces cerevisiae. See, https://www.wyeastla...ew/homebrew.htm, https://www.dclyeast...ew_prorange.htm, and for information on strains available. See also Lager yeastAll grain Refers to beers brewed with barley, barley malt and specialty grains and without extracts also used in reference to home brewers who make their own beer by using nothing but grainAlpha acid One of two resins found in hop lupulin glands usually measured by percent by weight. Alpha acids convert to bitterness during the boilAlpha acid units (AAU) A measurement of hop bittering potential expressed in relation to acid percentage of total hop weight. See also Homebrew Bitterness Units (HBUs)Alpha-amylase One of the two principal diastatic enzymes that convert starches into fermentable sugars.Alt German for old. A style of beer that predates lagers.Anaerobic A process that does not require oxygenAstringency A drying, puckering, harsh mouth coating huskiness or dryness from tannin in the grain huskAttenuate Refers to the yeast consumption of fermentable sugars transforming them into alcohol and carbon dioxide gas indicated by the difference between original gravity and final gravityAutolysis A disintegrating, self-digestion of a cells body by it's own enzymes; autolyzed yeast contributes nitrogen to the wort creating a rubbery stenchBalling One of two basic scales found on hydrometers that is used to measure the density of beer, named for its inventor, Carl Joseph BallingBarley wine A strong aleBarrel A liquid measure equivalent to 31 US gallonsBase grain The major source of fermentablesBeer engine A device for dispensing draft beer using a pump operated by hand. The use of a hand pump allows cask-conditioned beer to be served without the use carbon dioxide.Beer stone The grayish white material that builds up on the inside of your brewing system. Organic compounds in the wort that bind with compounds in the brewing water and adhere to stainless steelBeer styles See Also BJCP Style Guidlines.Beta acid One of the two resins in hop lupulin glands. Beta acids contribute more to the preservation of the beer than to its bitterness because of its insolubilityBeta-amylase One of the two principal diastatic enzymes that convert starches into fermentable sugars. Often referred to as the saccharifing enzymeBeta-glucan A gum derived mostly from grain husks. Beta-glucan rest The standard rest to break down Beta Glucans is 100* F for 15 minutes. Blow-off tube An alternative to an air lock. The tube extends from the fermenter to a bucket of sanitizerBody The sensation of fullness or thickness of a beer on the palate, mouth-feelBottle conditioned Aged and naturally carbonated in the bottleBottom fermenting See lager yeastBreak The precipitate that forms during boiling and cooling of beer wort.Bright tank A vessel or container that the beer is racked to once fermentation is or is almost complete. This vessel is usually pressurized to ease racking the finished beer off the precipitated trub. This vessel is usually chilled for three weeks at 32 degrees FCAMRA The CAMpaign for Real Ale. An organization in England that was founded in 1971 to preserve the production of cask-conditioned beers and ales.Carboy A large volume container of glass or plastic typically used by home brewers for fermentation or conditioning tanksChill haze Small particles of protein and polyphenolsClosed fermentation Fermentation takes place in a closed vesselCold break Particles that begin to fall from suspension as the wort drops below 140 degrees F. See also breakCold steeping Specialty grains are steeped in water that is 40-55 degrees F for several hours to over night. Cold steeping is used on dark grains and supposedly results in less aggressive flavorConditioning The final stage of fermentation in a bottle or keg whereby natural carbonation is producedConical fermenter Usually either a plastic or stainless steel fermenting vessel. Simplifies the fermentation process in that dead yeast can simply be removed from the beer by way of a dump valve found on the bottom of the vesselConversion Changing starches to sugars as in the mashing processCopper An old term that refers to the brew potCounter-flow chiller A wort chiller that has beer flowing one direction in a tube with an outer tube containing cold water flowing the opposite direction. See also Immersion chillerDecoction A highly involved process of mashing that requires the removal of portion of the mash to the boiler. It is then returned to the mash tun.Dextrin An unfermentable and almost tasteless carbohydrate derived from starches during the mashing process. Dextrins contribute body, head retention and mouth feel to the finished beer.Dextrose A synonym for corn sugarDiacetyl Buttery or butterscotch aromas and flavors. This occurs and dissipates naturally during fermentation cycle. Other sources of obvious diacetyl character may indicate excessively warm fermentation temperatures, under oxygenated wort or contamination.Diastase The enzymes in malt that convert starch to sugar and dextrinsDimethyl Sulfide (DMS) Originates in malt and when the wort is boiled. Usually DMS is driven off during the course of the boilDry hopping Hops added to fermenting or finished beer to impart fresh hop aroma, not bitternessDunkel German for pale.

Brewing Definitions
Started by
, Mar 29 2009 10:12 AM
2 replies to this topic
Posted 29 March 2009 - 10:12 AM
Posted 17 January 2011 - 05:22 PM
Enteric A bacterial contamination that makes beer smell like a soiled diaperEsters A class of compounds responsible for the fruity flavors and aromas in beer. Desired in ales, seen as a fault in lagersFermentation lock A one-way valve that allows carbon dioxide gas to escape the fermenter while keeping oxygen and contaminants outFining agent Helps precipitate protein into the hot break. See also Irish moss or isinglassFining A procedure that can be used to aid in the clarification of beer. See also Irish moss or isinglassFinishing hops Hops that are added to the boil in the last 1-2 minutesFirst Wort Hopping Adding hops to the brewpot at the beginning of the lauter; hops steep in ~170F wort during the runoff before being brought to a boil. This is said to add a smooth hop flavor and aroma.Flocculation The tendency of yeast to clump together and fall out of suspensionFusel alcohol Described as a hot or solvently flavor. Usually occurs when beer is fermented above 75 degrees FGelatin A colorless and tasteless protein used as a fining agentGelatinization The transformation of starch from a solid, crystalline form to a liquid, soluble formGrist Crushed malt and/or adjuncts mixed with hot water for mashingGrowler A container like a jug used to carry draft beer purchased at a local brewpub(s)Gyle A portion of unfermented wort that is added to finished beer for conditioningHBU (1) Hop bitterness unit: The value assigned to a hop for the purpose of identifying bitterness. (2) Homebrew bitterness Units: A measure of the total amount of bitterness potential in a given volume of beer.Head (No laughing!) The foam at the top of a poured beerHeat exchanger Equipment used to heat or cool the wort rapidly. See also wort chiller or counter flow chillerHelles German for light in colorHigh gravity An original wort gravity of 1.060 or greaterHop back A piece of equipment, similar to a strainer, containing fresh hops that boiling hot wort passes through on it's way to a counter flow wort chiller. Used to impart fresh hop aroma to the unfermented wort while simultaneously filtering out trubHop extract Resins and oils extracted from hops by using organic solvents or liquid carbon dioxideHop pellets Finely powdered hop cones that are compressed into pellet formHops The flower or cones of the female hop plant used in brewing to impart flavor and bitterness.Hot break (1) The participation of protein and tannic matter when hops are added to boiling wort. (2) Can be scrambled egg like in appearance. See also Cold breakHot liquor tank Tank containing hot water used during the sparage processHydrometer A glass instrument used to measure the specific gravity of beer by comparing it to that of water. See also RefractometerImmersion chiller Usually a copper coil that is place in the boil kettle during the boil. See also Counter-flow chillerInoculating needle A nickel chrome steel alloy or plastic apparatus used to inoculate a slant, plate or small sample of wortInternational Bitterness Units (IBUs) One IBU equals one milligram of isomerized alpha acid in 1 liter of wort or beerIrish moss A fining agent made from dried seaweed, also known as carragheenIsinglass A fining agent made from the swim bladders of the sturgeon. A positively charged substance that binds with negatively charged yeast cells, some proteins, lipids and antifoaming agents. Used to help settle the yeast out of suspension. See also flocculationKraeusen The foamy head the develops on the surface of fermenting wortLager yeast A bottom fermenting yeast with ideal fermentation temperature around 30-50* F: Latin name Saccharomyces uvarum. See, https://www.wyeastla...ew/homebrew.htm, https://www.dclyeast...ew_prorange.htm, and for information on strains available. See also Ale yeastLagering Time which lager beer is aged subsequent to primary fermentation, to storeLambic beer Commonly in the form of a fruit beer where the fruit flavor balances the acidity. Typically made from 65 percent pale malt and 35 percent unmalted wheat. They are lightly hopped and fermented with a mix of yeasts and bacteria.Lauter tun The brewing vessel used to separate the grains from the sweet wort by a straining processLauter The process of separating grain and hops from wortLovibond A method to describe malt color, the figure is usually expressed in degrees. See also Standard Reference MethodMalt extract A sugary syrup or powder that is produced by mashing malted barley and then has part or all of the water removedMalted barley Barley that has been partially germinated then driedMash The process of soaking crushed grains in hot water for a specific time to activate the enzymes withinMash out Raising the temperature of the mash above the saccharification rest (around 168F) to make the wort in the mash less viscous which makes lautering easierMash tun Container which holds the grain and liquid, generally at a specific temperature, during which the starch in the grain is converted to sugarMill To crush grain or adjuncts, also called crackingOpen fermentation As the words suggest the beer is fermented without a lid or covering. See closed fermentingOxidized Occurs when beer is exposed to oxygen; a condition which leads to premature beer staling. Tastes or smells papery to like cardboard
Posted 17 January 2011 - 05:40 PM
Parti-gyle lautering The practice of drawing off a portion of the mash liquid (first runnings) for a strong beer, then adding more hot liquor to the mash and drawing off a second weaker runningpH A logarithmic measure of acidity or alkalinity of a solutionPhenol Aromas or flavors that seem medicinal or plastic, usually produced by wild yeastPipette A glass or plastic tube inscribed with graduated marks, used for measuring small amounts of a liquidPitch To add yeast to wortPlato A scale of measurement used by professional brewers to measure the density of solutions, expressed as the equivalent weight of cane sugar in solution, calibrated on grams of sucrose per 100 grams of solutionPolyclar AT (PVPP) Fining agent used to absorb polyphenolsPrimary fermentation The process of initial fermentationPrimary fermenter The container where primary fermentation happensPriming The process of adding sugar, wort or malt extract at bottling timeProtein rest A portion of the mashing process. Typically, it is the first step in mashing. Hold the mash at 120 to 135°F for 20 to 30 minutes. Adding a protein rest will help to improve the clarity of your beer and especially helps in the prevention of chill hazeProtein Can combine with phenols to cause haze in beerRack To transfer the beer or wort from one vessel to anotherRe-circulation The act of returning wort to the mash tun in an effort to clear all particles of grain/adjuncts from the wortRefractometer An optical instrument that measures the sucrose concentration in a sucrose and water solutionReinheitsgebot (pronounced: Rine-Hites-gaBoat) The German "purity law" which originated in Bavaria in1516 states that only malt, hops, yeast and water can be used in the production of beerRest (1) A span of time during which the mash sits at a relatively constant temperature. (2) What you do after you finish brewing while consuming one of your favorite malt beverages.Rousing To create turbulence by agitationSecondary fermentation Beer is racked to another vessel and allowed to age prior to bottling or keggingSilica gel A fining agent used to absorb haze –forming proteinsSingle infusion mash A mash with only one rest, usually between 150-158 degrees F.Slant A test tube looking piece of glass partially filled with agar on a slant, also usually has a lidSparge (1)Using hot water (170 degrees F) to rinse the converted sugars from the grain. (2) Drawing sweet wort from the mash tun to the boil kettle.Standard Reference Method (SRM) A method to describe beer color, the figure is expressed in whole numbers. See also LovibondStarch conversion Alpha and beta amylase convert starch to sugar by holding the wort at 142 to 158 degrees F, usually accomplished in water heated to 130 - 170°FStarter Generally a small batch of fermenting yeast added to the wort to quickly begin fermentationSteeping The process of soaking crushed grains in hot water to extract flavor and color componentsStep mashing Raising the temperature of the mash and resting at specific, pre-determined temperatures with the intent of activating different enzymes in the mashStrike temperature The target temperature of a mash restStuck fermentation A fermentation that doesn't start or stops before reaching a target final gravitySweet wort The wort that is collected from the mash before it is boiledTannin Astringent polyphenolic compounds capable of either precipitating or forming hazeTop cropping The process of harvesting yeast from fermenting aleTop fermenting See ale yeastTrub (pronounced: troob) Coagulated haze forming protein compounds.Vegetal aroma Aromas and flavors that smell like cabbage or cauliflower. See also Dimethyl SulfideWild yeast Any yeast the brewer did not intend to pitch into the beerWort (pronounced: wert) Liquid prepared that will ferment to beerZymurgy The art/science of yeast fermentation. Also, the homebrew magazine published by the American Homebrewers Association* Sources:BYO MagazineZymurgy MagazineHome Brewing, The CAMRA Guide -- Grahm WheelerFirst Steps in Yeast Culture -- Pierre RajotteDesigning Great Beers -- Ray DanielsA Text Book of Brewing -- Jean De ClerckThe Complete Joy of Home Brewing 3d edition -- Charlie PapazianHomebrewing for Dummies -- Marty NachelThe Beer, Beer and More Beer catalogand Brews Brothers Members
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