I picked up a couple vials of this and used it for 3 brews:Extra Pale Ale - a hopped-up session beerAmerican Pale Ale - very hopped up and dry-hopped versionOatmeal Stout - a somewhat high-gravity but lighter color (for a Stout) versionHere are the Stats on this yeast from White Labs:Attenuation 71-76%Flocculation: Medium to HighFermentation Temp: 66-70 (ideal range)Alcohol Tolerance: MediumMy Stats with this yeast:Attenuation 70% (EPA, pitched one vial/5 gallons wort), 72% (APA, pitched slurry) and 76% (Stout, pitched slurry)Flocculation: Observed very high flocculation upon completion of fermentationAlcohol Tolerance: Got high attenuation according to White Labs published range with the Stout which was 7.0% ABVFermentation temp: All 3 fermented around 67-68 FObservations: Lag times were about 12 hours for each brew. Fermentation was steady for 5 to 7 days with airlock activity continuing up until day 10 for all 3 brews. I did not use foam control or blow-off tubes and had no problems. There is a visible top-cropping fermentation action with this yeast. Flocculation is fairly complete upon attenuation. Bottle conditioning took one week for all 3 brews. Tasting: All three brews had a base of Marris Otter Pale malt and different combinations of American hops. There is a nice but not overpowering fruity profile with aromas of stone fruit like peach. The warm-bread malt flavors/aromas of the MO malt came through very nicely. In the oatmeal stout there were a lot of coffee/esspresso notes from the Roasted Barley and Black Patent malts. The APA had a wonderful balance of crystal malt sweetness and bright smooth hop bitterness and aroma. In general, this yeast seems to develop well-rounded flavors without leaning too much towards either the malt or the hops. The one thing I don't notice is a lot of dry-hop aroma in the APA so I will just go with late/whirlpool hop additions in the future.Summary: I highly recommend this strain. Very easy to brew with. Only downside is it's currently a Platinum Strain so only available in January and February.

WLP 022
Started by
Jimmy James
, Apr 29 2009 01:23 PM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 29 April 2009 - 01:23 PM
Posted 29 April 2009 - 02:54 PM
Some good information there, Jimmy. Certainly made me want to find this strain.
Seems like a pretty versatile strain and good it worked for a session beer. What OG was the EPA?

Posted 04 May 2009 - 09:53 AM
Hey Stuster, here's the Promash recipe for the EPA. My actual OG was 1.052. Obviously this may be a little strong for a "session" beer for some, but at about 4.9% ABV it qualifies for me but definitely on the high end. Next time around I will probably drop the 2-row, and maybe throw in a touch of roasted barley to shoot for closer to 4.0%. I had a true session strength brew called Even Keel from my local LHBS/brewery in San Diego that was hopped to about 40IBU and 3.5% ABV and tasted awesome. I am going to try and get their recipe but I suspect it's 2-row, C-40 and roasted. Hoppy ESBA ProMash Recipe ReportRecipe Specifics----------------Batch Size (Gal): 10.00 Wort Size (Gal): 10.00Total Grain (Lbs): 21.25Anticipated OG: 1.056 Plato: 13.86Anticipated SRM: 8.2Anticipated IBU: 69.1Brewhouse Efficiency: 70 %Wort Boil Time: 60 MinutesGrain/Extract/Sugar % Amount Name Origin Potential SRM----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 84.7 18.00 lbs. Pale Malt(2-row) Great Britain 1.038 3 4.7 1.00 lbs. Crystal 20L America 1.035 20 1.2 0.25 lbs. Crystal 105L Great Britain 1.033 125 9.4 2.00 lbs. Munich Malt Belgium 1.038 8Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.Hops Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.00 oz. Magnum Whole 13.50 58.6 60 min. 1.00 oz. Wye Target Whole 11.00 0.0 0 min. 1.00 oz. Wye Target Whole 10.00 5.8 15 min. 1.00 oz. Northern Brewer Whole 8.10 4.7 15 min. 1.00 oz. Northern Brewer Whole 9.00 0.0 0 min.Yeast-----White Labs WLP022 Essex Ale Yeast
Posted 04 May 2009 - 04:47 PM
Yep, on the strong side for a session beer, but looks tasty to me.Will look out for this one next time it comes around.

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