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VR: The Fisherman's Tale

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#1 BrewerGeorge


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Posted 30 November 2022 - 12:37 PM

Extraordinarily awesome game, until it isn't. It's gorgeous.  VR is implemented well. 


The premise is so fucking cool:  You play a puppet in a model lighthouse which is inside a bigger lighthouse. Inside your lighthouse is another little lighthouse.  It's like infinite nesting dolls.  If you take the roof off your little model lighthouse, a hand will come from the sky and take the roof from the lighthouse you're standing inside. You can't grab yourself but almost everything else can be manipulated somehow.


It's a puzzle game that revolves around promoting or demoting objects to change their sizes.  For example, a crab asks you to get him a hat.  There's a you-sized hat on the wall, but that's way too big for the crab, so what you do is grab the little hat from inside your model, pull it up into the bigger world and give it to the crab.  At one point you hitch a ride inside the mouth of a stuffed fish from "up there." Stuff like that. I played over two hours having a great time.


Then it suddenly shits the bed so badly that I can't believe it.  The last act locks you in the top of the lighthouse where you can't move much at all without having the screen go white because you've moved into the scenery.  Basically the exact opposite of what you want in a VR game. The puzzle changes the rules of how the game has been functioning all along AND mirrors the character's action - which I am unusually bad at handling.  I spent 45 minutes trying to strike a match on an invisible matchbox, or vice versa.  I got frustrated and went looking online for solutions, and found nothing but people expressing the same frustration I felt.


I got this as part of a bundle of 8 games for $12 and I'd recommend it if you can find a similar price.  The beginning parts are so good that it's still worth playing.  It's a great example of what VR games should be like except for the end.  I wouldn't pay full price for it, though.

#2 Vagus


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Posted 01 December 2022 - 02:19 PM

So. You put your hand on this little shaft and out pops a little you? 

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