Anyone else picking it up? I like to read Scott's blog so I assume there will be some good information in here. Mine comes tomorrow.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Hop Compounds
History of Hop Oil Research
Hop Bittering Acids
Hop Aroma Compounds
Hop Pellet Blends and Oil Testing
Whole Hop Cones
Hop Oil Testing
Hop Extracts
Chapter 2: Benefits and Drawbacks of Hot-Side-Hopping
Kettle Aroma
Hop Timing and Kettle Aroma
Late Hopping
Oxygen Fraction of Hops
Oxygenated Compounds and Extraction Efficiency
Volatilization of Hop Compounds
Test of Hop Timing – Bittering Addition vs. Whirlpool vs. Dry Hop Additions
Whirlpool Temperature
Whirlpool Durations
DMS, Hops, and Whirlpool Durations
Whirlpool Oxidation and Green Onion Thiol
Chapter 3: Aged Hops
Aged Hops and Increase in Kettle-Hop Flavor
Dry Hopping with Aged Noble Hops
Aged Hops and Cheesy Flavor
Resin Quality with Aged Hops
Brewing Fruit Forward Beers with Aged Hops
How Long to Age Hops
Bitterness Quality
Hop Polyphenols and Aging
Chapter 4: Mouthfeel, Water, and Dextrins
Sulfate-to-Chloride Ratio
Mouthfeel Softness
Limit Dextrinase
Experimental Beer
Chapter 5: Flavor Perceptions
Grist Role in Flavor
Yeast Pitch Rate
Chapter 6: Esters and Fusel Alcohols
Yeast Nutrients
Beer pH
Beer Aging
Chapter 7: Dry Hopping
Introduction of Oxygen When Dry Hopping
Dry Hop Contact Time
Dry Hopping and Polyphenols
What Happens to Pellets During Dry Hopping
Soft vs. Hard Pellets
Method to Dry Hop Loose in Primary and Kegs
Dry Hop Amounts
Total Oil
Dry Hopping and Head Retention
Hop Variety and Foam Retention
Malts and Head Retention
Chapter 8: Dry Hopping and Bitterness
What Are Humulinones
Humulinone Concentration in Hops
Importance of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Testing Bitterness
Determining Humulinone Content in Hops
Dry Hopping and pH
Hop Aroma and Perceived Bitterness
Dry Hop Bitterness Experiment
Chapter 9: Dry Hopping and Enzymatic Activity
Diacetyl and Dry Hopping
Chapter 10: Biotransformation
Ways to Achieve Beta-Glucosidase Activity
Conditions Favoring Beta-Glucosidase Activity
Difference Between Exo-Beta-Glucanase and Beta-Glucosidase Activity
Biotransformation of Terpenoid Alcohols
Chapter 10: Thiols
What are Thiols
4MMP in Hops
Thiol Potency Indicator
Thiols, Beer Aging, and Bottle Conditioning
Hop Thiol Potential
Lessons from Winemakers
My Experiments with Wine Yeast in Hoppy Beer
Cooper and Thiols
Malt-Derived Thiols
Thiol Flavor Enhancing Role (Synergy)
Chapter 11 – Lupulin Powder
Brewery Experiences with LupuLN2
Lupulin Powder Usage
Polyphenols and Lupulin Powder
Chapter 12: What’s Causing the Haze
Fermentation Dry Hopping
Haze and pH
ABV Level and Haze
Malted vs. Unmalted Grains
Whirlpool Hops and Polyphenols
Hop Variety and Polyphenol Content
Malting Effect on Haze Potential
Experiment on Haze and Malted Grains
Fining Agents
Chapter 13: Tips from Commercial Breweries
Other Half Brewing
Prison City Pub and Brewery
Reuben’s Brews
Breakside Brewery
Bissell Brothers
Great Notion
About the Author
Edited by HVB, 04 June 2019 - 06:11 AM.