Brewing-Related AcronymsAA - Alpha AcidAAU - Alpha Acid Unit (the same as HBU)AB - Alternative BeverageABV - Alcohol By VolumeABW - Alcohol By WeightAG - All-GrainAHA - American Homebrewers AssociationAPA - American Pale AleB - Brix or Balling (a measure of sugar)BBBOT (or 3BOT) - Big-Bore Blowoff TubeBJCP - Beer Judge Certification ProgramBMC - Bud Miller CoorsBOP - Brew on PremisesBTU - British Thermal UnitBYO - Brew Your Own magazineBW - BarleywineC&S - Crankandstein, a maker of malt millsCAMRA - Campaign for Real Ale (a Britain’s organization for the preservation of cask-conditioned ales)CAP - Classic American PilsnerCFC - Counterflow ChillerCPBF - Counter-Pressure Bottle Filler (same as CPF)CPF - Counter-Pressure Filler (same as CPBF)CPVC - Chlorinated PolyVinyl CholorideDME - Dry Malt ExtractDMS - Dimethyl Sulphide (produces cooked corn aroma in wort that isn't cooled quickly enough)EKG - East Kent GoldingsFG - Final GravityFWH - First Wort HoppingGU - Gravity Unit (the two numbers of gravity reading; 1.062 = 62 GU)HBU - Homebrew Bittering Units (Hop Ounces * Hop Alpha Acids)HERMS - Heat Exchange Recirculation Mash SystemHLT - Hot Liquor TankHSA - Hot Side AerationIBU - International Bitterness UnitsIC - Immersion ChillerIIPA - Imperial India Pale AleIPA - India Pale AleJPA - Japan Pale AleL (*L) - LovibondLHBS - Local Homebrew Supply StoreLME - Liquid Malt ExtractLT - Lauter tunMLT - Mash/Lauter TunMO - Maris OtterMPS - Mass Produced SwillMT - Mash TunO2 - OxygenOG - Original GravityP - Plato (a measure of sugar)PBW - Powdered Brewery WashpH - Potential Hydrogen; The Power of HydrogenPPM - Parts Per MillionPPPG - potential point per gallonPVC - PolyVinyl CholorideQD - Quick DisconnectRDWHAHB - Relax, Don't Worry, Have A HomeBrewRIMS - Recirculating Infusion Mash SystemRO - Reverse OsmosisSG - Specific GravitySRM - Standard Reverence Method (Same as Lovibond)SS - Stainless SteelTG - Terminal Gravity (same as Final Gravity)WLP - White Labs yeast (eg, WLP-001 = California Ale)Chemical SymbolsAl - AluminumCa2+ - Calcium ionCaCl2 - Calcium ChlorideCaCO3 - Calcium Carbonate (Chalk)CaSO4 - Calcium Sulfate (Gypsum)Cl- - Chloride ionHCO3- - Bicarbonate ionMg2+ - Magnesium ionMgSO4 - Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt)Na+ - Sodium ionNaCl - Sodium Chloride (Table or Canning Salt)NaHCO3 - Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda)SO42- - Sulfate ion

Acronyms and Abbreviations
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, Apr 11 2009 01:21 PM
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