Back in 2007 I brewed up 10g of brown ale and bottled them all as part of our wedding favors. I am not sure if I brewed that beer since then so I thought it would be a good time to re-brew it and see if 10 years of brewing helps any. Same recipe and yeast just adjusted for a 30 minute boil and this time I will adjust the water.
OG - 1.050 Mash Temp 152
10# Maris Otter
.5# C-60
.5# Caravienne
.25# Victory
.25# Chocolate (regular)
42g Northern Brewer - 30
28g Willamette - 5
28g Willamette - 1
Yeast - S-04
Ca - 69
Cl - 71
pH - 5.39